the thermos blind trade


Active Member
Thats right I'm not showing untill every one has traded that way there is no pressure to do better than the last guy/girl or anyone feeling like they cant trade because they dont have anything "that rare" you know what I mean?


Active Member
coraljunky to Isistius (you two should exchange information its your turns. coraljunky should have gotten the thermos today, you two can hammer out the details and shipping time)
then it goes.
Isistius to newBostonConst
NewBostonConst to saltn00b
saltn00b to BadBoyJ
BadBoyJ to (I was going to have it come back to me but I have now had it twice due to some confusion, maybe maxalmon will be ready to jump back in at this point if not we shall open enrollment again)


Active Member
Originally Posted by coraljunky
Trade received
Will contact next in the loop. Isistius, are you ready?
bring it on!!!!!!


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
coraljunky to Isistius (you two should exchange information its your turns. coraljunky should have gotten the thermos today, you two can hammer out the details and shipping time)
then it goes.
Isistius to newBostonConst
NewBostonConst to saltn00b
saltn00b to BadBoyJ
BadBoyJ to (I was going to have it come back to me but I have now had it twice due to some confusion, maybe maxalmon will be ready to jump back in at this point if not we shall open enrollment again)
that work's for me.....just have to decide what to send ....
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I did a trade with a member and they sent it in a thermos that had been used for other trades amongst members. there were a couple screen names on it already, I added mine and the person I recieved it from as well as who I was sending it to.
when I sent it out, it was for a thing some of my friends and I do called blind trading. we dont know what we are gettting, the frags are small, but its fun, we try not to trade super commons, usually moderately rare stuff nothing super rare, but uncommon stuff. its fun to not have any idea what your getting. maxalmon now has the thermos. if any one else is interested in joining the blind trade circle, post here, there are never any set dates or any strict guidlines we do singles of rics 3-5 polyps on zoas. stuff like that. nothing huge. (it has to fit in the thermos) I want to see how many SWF names we can cram on this little thermos. and when the thermos runs out of rooms hopefully whoever has it at the time can spare a buck or two and add a little autograph book to the package with the thermos to keep it going. I would have but I didnt think of it untill after I sent off the thermos.
I figure the first person to post in on this will be next in line for the trade. keep in mind you end up doing two trades one to get the thermos and one to send it off on its way. if you cant afford to ship twice PLEASE dont participate as it would halt the thermos's journey around the US of A. and please keep it amongst posters, dont send it to some one who is never going to trade with another member.
I believe maxalmon is going to post pictures of the thermos at some point here once he finds this thread. lets keep it fun. there is a chance that you may get something you already have. thats life in a blind trade, its happened to me more than once, but its still fun.

we ship USPS priority, so the coral has to be hardy enough to handle the shipping zoas palys, uncommon shrooms etcetera. try not to ship super commons please. I figure I'll let the thermos go through several trades before jumping back into the loop.
if there are any hang ups or confusion during this run of trades PM me and I will try and sort things out as best I can.
So who wants to play?
I sure wish I could play, but I have nothing trade!!! *cries*


Active Member
I just realized I forgot to put the little autograph book in with the thermos,for when we run out of room on the thermos for names......
its still sitting on my desk. well that was two fifty well spent.

in the dictionary under incompetent it says see... um err something else.


You should start with new people before it goes back to the same people again.
You coudl always send the notebook to whoever is going to get the thermo next. Doesnt have to be overnight. lol