The things we do for our fish


Agreed on the game. nuff said on that
I have My GSP in my 55 now with 2 clowns and a blenny. He used to be in a ten gallon by himself but I decided to see if he can get along with everybody and be put back into genral population. We shall see. There are 5 peppermints that he may try to get at though. He's been in there for a week now so I think hes happy and content. I would be.
I now have a empty tengallon all set up. I dont know what that will be.
I have a 12 gal bio cube set up as well with a lone blue-legged hermit and a tiny brittle missing 3 legs. My plan is to transfer my corals and fish and what not to put them in the nano once Im convinced it can handle the bio-load. then Im getting a peacock mantis for the 55 gallon.

I have a bunch of fresh water tanks as well but there kinda boring... a ten gal and 20 long and a 20 high now. my apartment looks kinda rediculous.
Id be interested in hearing more on the ghost tank. Are you raising and breeding them? Is that difficult?


actually I just needed something to put in this tank... originally it was a SW tank I bought for my GF but she could not keep up with the maintenance and all her fish died...
I sometimes feed my fish ghost shrimp and was looking into breeding them apparently it is hard to raise the little fry but lets see how that goes. I originally bought them for my grouper because he wasn't eating right but he started eating and once I put them in the tank it was a thrill watching them swim about the tank and eat so Im going to give them a shot and hopefully they can reproduce.
sounds like a bunch of us here... we have an aquarium war here. a buddy of mine just picked up his seventh aq today!
Im good with my three though. eventually when I move back home I will build a really nice one out of plywood and place it in a wall somewhere.


Hey Fret! thanks for the snail Idea! Im going to check those out this weekend. I miss the "crunch crunch" coming from my tank.
Man seven tanks? thats a few. All SW?
I cant wait to have a house that I cant do stuff to. I want to make an in wall tank with an Equipment room behind it that I can slink away to and tinker with stuff. A little sanctuary within my sanctuary.
Are the ghosts SW? I always thought they were FW. I had a few and one was pregnant or whatever the term is. eggs under swimmers is what I always said. Anyway when she had the "Litter" (?) she shot them all over the tank with her little flappers. They sunk down into the gravel never to be seen again. Im sure she and her friends ate them all.
I tried to get pics of Nipps last night but I discovered the memory card is missing from my camera. Great. More than likely its in my pants pocket in the washing machine. Sucks because I have pics of my new Hammer coral that I wanted to show off.
Hows your new tank you picked up? any plans for it yet? Did you pick it up yet? Im a little slow this morning....


Yeah the tank I picked up is up and running with my large fish in it and the biocube has one yellowtail damsel and about the ghost shrimp yes they are FW... which helps because it is easy maintenance... lol
sucks about memory card :s


It will turn up....hopefully still functional. I have pics on my phone if I could get them on the computer somehow.


LOL... i dont even have a camera. all my pics are from my phone.


I used to be able to Email them to myself but no longer am able. for some weird reason. Its stinky because my phone zoom in clearer than my camera. Actually it takes better photos in general... Im going to get an adapter for the Micro sd card in my phone.


I dont know what I did with my cam... I think I gave it away or something along those lines.


quick question.... this might sound weird because im using their message board but has anyone purchased fish from this website? how was it like and how did the fish arrive?
I guess in short what I'm trying to say is, was it a good experience? I'm thinking about buying fish online for the first time and would like to know from someone that has done this before specifically from this particular site if everything went smoothly.


Never a fish man, lots of Inverts and coral, LR and LS but no fish.
My stuff came in a big ol foam cooler with heat pads and was over night shipped.
I was very happy even tho my Button polyps came with a sea spider.


wow that is a nice looking puffer :)
what size was he when you first got him and how long did it take for him to get the size he is now?
I cant wait until my puffer gets that big.


he was maybe an inch when I got him. very skinny and sickly. He spent a while, maybe a year and a half in the brackish tank and grew his fins back and fattened up a bit on snails from all the plants. Plus my GF bred mystery snails that we fed him and he went bonkers over.
He really came out of his shell and fattened up when I dripped him over to SW however. I would say he grew maybe twice the size he is in 2 1/2 months? seems hard to believe but he seems like a different fish since when I got him. much more active. Ill try to get a better pic of him now. he looks like a green and black spotted golf ball. and Ive never seen him "puff" up either. just floats around testing stuff to see if he can eat it.
mine loves bloodworms, when he was brackish and now eats damn near anything he can crunch on. never gives up on the nass snails either. he will nip their snorkels and zero in on them when they surface. he also attacks my emrald crab and sometimeshermits. he can suck them out of their shells but doesn't useually go after them for some reason. Sometimes he mistakes them for snails I think.


thats amazing... one day mine with be that big... have you seen a video on youtube of one that looks to be fully grown?
anyways I picked up a pistol shrimp today and now I'm worried because there was this thing on the discovery channel that said they can break glass... but I haven't seen anyone on here or online saying that this has happened to them.
and this guy has snapped about six times and no cracks so maybe I'm good....
I like emerald crabs I was thinking about getting some but I dont know what tank to put them in. my large one has the grouper and now my biocube has the pistol shrimp lol


Ive never heard of a pistol shrimp breaking glass. But then stranger things have happened im sure.
I would like to get a pistol shrimp for my nano and see if I could pair it with a shrimp goby or a banded watchman. that would be awesome. How big is your pistol shrimp?


I'd say about 2" and my yellow watchman goby is 1.5" somthing like that... so far the shrimp and goby combination is not working but hopefully one day it will work out.
so today I was bored and went fishing in a creek and my friend and I caught 4 crayfish and some minnows and placed them in my 10 gallon ghost shrimp tank. lol lets see how it goes


Originally Posted by cbj84b
thats amazing... one day mine with be that big... have you seen a video on youtube of one that looks to be fully grown?
anyways I picked up a pistol shrimp today and now I'm worried because there was this thing on the discovery channel that said they can break glass... but I haven't seen anyone on here or online saying that this has happened to them.
and this guy has snapped about six times and no cracks so maybe I'm good....
I like emerald crabs I was thinking about getting some but I dont know what tank to put them in. my large one has the grouper and now my biocube has the pistol shrimp lol
I have a pistol shrimp, im pretty sure they can't break glass but mantis shrimps can. I saw they show on discovery, it was about mantis shrimps.


what kind of pistol shrimp do you have? I have a red pistol shrimp and was trying to look for info on it but cant find it anywhere.
everyone usually has a tiger or randalls pistol.
if you can find the link to that discovery channel show please post it here because that would be interesting to see.