The LFS around here have nice tanks and a decent selection, depending on when they received their orders. But I have to say an owner that’s not a prick would be nice, a family that runs the store that are not stuck up would be nice, creating customer loyalty by accepting a coupon that was a week old would be smart and having staff that is genuinely interested in helping you instead of just walking by would be fantastic.
I like to support the local businesses but the lfs(Tropic Isle) is run by a family that are customer and customer service insensitive. I have to say the owner, Ellis, is very knowledgeable of all things fish but that only goes so far. I have been in this hobby for over 25 years with SWF for over 12, and last week was the last straw with these clowns and now I will only by fish from here, and supplies for other online companies.
I like to support the local businesses but the lfs(Tropic Isle) is run by a family that are customer and customer service insensitive. I have to say the owner, Ellis, is very knowledgeable of all things fish but that only goes so far. I have been in this hobby for over 25 years with SWF for over 12, and last week was the last straw with these clowns and now I will only by fish from here, and supplies for other online companies.