The Thrill is gone.....


Thinking about putting my 100gal tank and all its habitants for sale. It was interesting at first but then nothing new is happening. I used to be able to stare at my tank for hours and love it. Now I see the same things all the time. I went and bought 2 new rocks with plants and stuff on them and a sea urchin. Bought 2 peppemint shrimps and an algae blenny. The shrimp never come out unless i am feeding the tank.....everything else just swims around and stuff but never anythin interesting. Anything yall know I could do to make it interesting again......other wise im gonna put it all for sale.


It's too bad you have lost intrest, maybe it's just not your thing. I personally can't see ever getting bored with this hobby, but thats just me. What kind of inhabitants are in your tank now? Have you considered agressive setups or breeding? Both are pretty interesting IMO.


This is what is in my tank now.....i had some xenia that I loss when I lost power for 4 days but........still not enuff to make it interesting.
100gal Cubed
50 various hermits, 5 Snails,, Coral Banded Shrimp, Porcupine Puffer, Sailfin Tang, Pink Skunk Clown, Algae Blenny, 2 Peppermint Shrimp, 2 Feather Dusters 120-130lbs of LR, DSB
Corals: Sun Star Polyps, Unknown Polyps, Euphyllia
MH 1x400w


Well-Known Member
I agree. It is interesting to setup tanks and watch what happens. But then at some point it's just the same old thing. That's just the way it is.


Active Member
Nice enthusiasm Bob...does that mean you will throw in the towel soon too? :D :rolleyes:
Ace - how about rearranging the rockwork, making it look like a different tank?


First if your going to keep coral you would half to get rid of the puffer which I'm suprised he hasn't eaten the shrimp and polyps yet. You'll enjoy a reef tank. I have 2 reefs and on fish only. The reefs you can sit and look at them for hours and I have had them both for over a year. Things just seem to change all the time. New thing here, new thing there. This is my opinion. Good luck with your tank whichever way you deside to go.


I say if that tank isn;t keeping you interested than nothing will. You have a good selection of fish and inverts, and while corals are beautiful, from an excitment standpoint they just sit there :) This hobby/obsession does take a lot of time and money, and if you arn't 100% heart and soul than it becomes a pain and the tank suffers.
I say sell all your livestock (the puffer to me :)) and wrap up your tank and equipment and wait a year or so. Maybe some time away will help make you realize if its worth it or not. If so, set it back up and get that "just starting" feeling again, or throw in the towle and get some money back.
Good luck in your decision! Let us know what you decide!


my puffer only nips at things if he is starving....the shrimps are out of his reach....i have alot of rock work so they have plenty of places to go to get away from him....But he doesnt go after them. And reef tanks were an option but they move less than the fish do and i dont think it will be worth the money. Thats the reason i bought the light and some corals....just to see what it would be like to keep them. I think a dog would be better.....


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Buzz
Nice enthusiasm Bob...does that mean you will throw in the towel soon too? :D :rolleyes:

nope :D

Originally posted by Buzz
Nice enthusiasm Bob...does that mean you will throw in the towel soon too? :D :rolleyes:

From everything I've read about how he treats his fish, I almost hope he does. :rolleyes: (Delete this if you want, mods).
If you want to give up your tank, I'll take it! But seriously, spend some time away from it and see if you miss it at all. Maybe this isn't the thing for you, just some people don't like having cats and such. Good luck with your decision, I hope everything works out for you. :)


New Member
All I can say is hang in there man!! I have been doing the freshwater setup for some time now and I got bored with it. I even tryed two piranhas to spice it up. At first the feeding was cool but, it became boring. I know you said you have a saltwater setup but have you thought about breeding freshwater fish? What ever you decide I would keep your tank and stuff. It isn't costing you anything to keep it. Good luck man!!!!


I think you should quit and send me all the LR and stuff. Just kidding. I like the idea or rearraging your rock. You would be surprised what things happen when you rearrange. But if you do give up I want that rock.

the claw

Active Member
Sorry, I can't relate. This is the most interesting hobby I can find, and I have tons of hobbies. More than money anyways....


Active Member
I think that everyone has their ups and downs. When I had a fresh water tank it was set it up. Then a little later back in the garage. Then set it up again. I just went through a spell where I was less than interested in my tank. Now I am totally thrilled with it. Of course I just got some new stuff so that might help.
Maybe you need to trade in your fish and go with some different fish that move around a little bit more. Also rearranging your rock might help. I just had to pull all of my rock out to get a SOB fish. Of course when i put it back it did not go back the same way. Now I am seeing stuff in my tank that I had no idea was in there.
Do what you think is right


New Member
Well if I were you i would empty the tank of all existing fish and fill it with seahorses! They are amazing.
I have 5 myself..but that is just what I would do:D
I'm a seahorse fanatic!
:p :D :cool: :)


i seen some sea horses in the LFS and they seem very very very boring. They can hardly swim. I need something that is very agressive.....i could get a mantis and then he can have a whole 100gal to his self....hmmmmmm


If you loose interest then I guess fishtank is not your thing. You would be better off with something else. Fishtank helps you relax your mind and body. I have had freshwater for over 30yrs and saltwater for 3yrs now. everyday my wife says i am like kid in a candystore when i am near fishtank.



Originally posted by AceZ28
Thinking about putting my 100gal tank and all its habitants for sale. It was interesting at first but then nothing new is happening.

"So in due course of time, nine out of every ten aquaria were abandoned many of the shops were given up, because there was no longer any custom; and to all appearence the aquarium fever had run its course, never again to appear like hundreds of similar epidemics".
"But there was one element of strength in the aqaurium possessed by none of the others. This was the study of nature in one of her hithero unstudied phases. Those who merely treated the aquarium as a toy soon became tired of it, and cast it away accordingly,but those who saw its real capability became more enamoured of it daily".
J.G Wood 1868:
I thought this quote fit the topic since myself and other's who have been in this hobby for a while have had our ups and downs.
"Somtimes burnout is inevitable, in these times even if you maintain minimum maitantance you will find after a few months your love for this hobby will grow again. If in fact it doesnt then your hardware should be passed on to the next starry eyed aquarist to complete the cycle".
T.M Salvermo 2003: