The Thrill is gone.....


Spend $5 on a magnifying glass, and get a close up look at the life in your sand and rocks. We have a 125 gallon, and my husband will lay on the floor, looking up into the bottom of the sand (through the inside of the tank stand. Also, he'll lay on the floor looking into the reugium he has under the stand. Sometimes we cover a flashlight with red saran wrap, and look at the "night life" after the lights go out.
To us, that is the most entertaining part of our tank. We also like to watch the emerald crabs eat.
And yes, many of us lose interest in our hobbies...we have a telescope, remote control cars, microscope, exercise equipment, computer games, scrap booking materials, boxes and boxes of craft supplies, a pool table, a bar, and we even had a truck in our garage for almost a year that my husband was going to re-build. All of these things are now stored, or in the way!