The Trouble w/ pods

roscoe ii

Question:notsure: Just how many pods and or other "bugs" are too many? I'm not sure of the type but I'll try to describe them as best I can. Transparent bodies of varying length from 1/8 - 3/16ths. Black eyes, head bigger than rest of body, swim and look like tiny fish. eyes glow in flash light. I've pointed them out to my LFS and they are not even sure what they are as a matter of fact they didn't even know they were there until a friend of mine and I pointed them out to them.
Also second variety....looks like a cross between a cricket and a shrimp. Whiteish bodies, good size antena.
First variety I have what looks like at least a hundred they are in every and I mean every nook and cranny in the live rock.
The second variety maybe 10-15.
I should mention 150 gal tank. Live rock, a few coral 3 percs, 1 yellow tang, 1 Brittle Star, 1 Lg Black Velvet "PIA" damsel , 1 smaller yellow tail damsel, 1Urchin
I've heard that pods are good but can they be bad in large numbers?
Thanks in advance.


Active Member
The fact their eyes glowed in the flashlight made me guess mysid. They should even swarm to the light perhaps. Even if it isn't.......mysid have VERY interesting eyes, and I recommend reading about them.

nm reef

Active Member
Cirolanid isopods are very rare from what I understand...since a few articles have described them and their perisitic activities folks have reported them being in their displays...but I tend to believe they are nothing more then copepods/iospods/amphipods...all of which can be a good addition to a healthy and thriving system.

bang guy

In my opinion you cannot have too many pods. If you have lots & lots then that means they have abundant food available. Abundant food + few pods = trouble.
Abundant food + lots-o-pods = healthy fish food.
To cut back on the # of pods you have you should cut back on nutrients.


How about adding a mandarian to your tank? It would be very fat and happy in your tank....and would help eat up all those pods.