the truth about feeding?


Active Member
i have six fish ten hermits four snails and one cleaner shrimp....on the food label it says to feed the fish three times a this hte case...should i be feeding them less???


Active Member
I believe that is where he is at now!!!! How are you doing nofish? Still drinkin the pepsi and have your roles reversed????
Did you try to tell him to try to help out????


LOL I swear, just as I was reading your post HE TURNED ON THE DRYER!!!! I can't believe he knows where it is! Thanks for your help
I feed my babies (my fish) 2 times a day. I give them formula one pellets in the morning and then feed with frozen or nori strips in the evening. They are fat, healthy, happy fish! If I'm in a hurry, I skip the morning feedings, but that is pretty rare.


Active Member
Sorry the hater (wife.....) told me I had to spend a night with her...... I only have to feed Every other day, got only one algea blenny, and cleaner & Coral banded shrimps, and clean up crew (9 snails and 14 assorted hermits... ohh and my serpent star(A.K.A the octipus, by the HATER
)) I feed shrimp pellets (cheap stuff but they love it!) to the hermits/serpent star/shrimps, also throw in there formula 1&2 (my algea blenny eats the formula's, and the shrimp eat it all.... silly things!!) and some myisis shrimp.
But if you feed them twice a day and they are happy and eat all the food and you don't see excess amount in the tank, or an abundance of algea groth.... you are probably on a good scedual.... Read Up on the fish you have.... alot can be learned from that nessacary

I love the HATER, by the way!!!!!


Active Member
hey sorry guys i wasn't at my computer last night....but i feed my guys a pinch of wardley spectra max three times a day....i guess this is too much huh? and yes i finally finished the tank...i think i can live with the current rock set up...we will c though.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
hey sorry guys i wasn't at my computer last night....but i feed my guys a pinch of wardley spectra max three times a day....i guess this is too much huh? and yes i finally finished the tank...i think i can live with the current rock set up...we will c though.....
I doubt you will like it ..... :hilarious ..... lets hope....... you need to mix it up a bit with your fish.... I know that formula 1&2 are great, and mysis shrimp is good too..... I am guessing wardly spectra is flake food? If so a lot of people tell to feed all varietys of food, Dry, Frozen, live.....ect... Cause in the wild they would get a mixed diet, and so for their health mix it up!!!!!!!


Active Member
I only feed my tanks with lots of LR in them about 2-3times a week. Of course you have to take in mind what type of fish are in the tank, what their feeding requirements are and how much grazing they can do off the LR, if there is algae growth in the tank, I don't feed algae sheets, but if there is no algae growth in the tank then I feed the sheets,
Generally though most fish do not need to be fed everyday and eventually all that waste (as in the more you eat the more you poop) will build up in the aquarium, feed less=less waste.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Birdy
I only feed my tanks with lots of LR in them about 2-3times a week. Of course you have to take in mind what type of fish are in the tank, what their feeding requirements are and how much grazing they can do off the LR, if there is algae growth in the tank, I don't feed algae sheets, but if there is no algae growth in the tank then I feed the sheets,
Generally though most fish do not need to be fed everyday and eventually all that waste (as in the more you eat the more you poop) will build up in the aquarium, feed less=less waste.
also correct


Active Member
what are algae sheets?
i am gonna have to cut back on ammonia levels have not been high for a new tank though so i don't know....