the two mandarins


Please forgive me if this has already been asked as I don't have time to read up right now.
According to John Tulloch, I am understanding that I can have one each of the Mandarins, the regular AND the psychedelic in my reef tank. Does anyone have any experience with that. I'll be talking a well established 85 gallon. <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />

nm reef

Active Member
Yes...I've also heard that it can be done in a well established system that can handle their feeding requirements. Recently I read a thread from somewhere that had info on a system that had several manderians. It was a larger system and the keeper seemed extremely experiencied...but from what I understand it is definitely possible. :cool:


Thank you soo much! I really didn't want to hear anything else. (ha). I want two males because they're always prettier, although I don't know how to tell on the Psychedelic one anyways. Do you think an 85 gallon with about 130 1bs of live rock would be efficient, or is it guesswork? <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> I just like that face.


Although very possoble as stated above I don't know if I would attempt because also as stated above you would have to accomodate the eating habits of these pod devouring critters. If you are going to attempt I would say get as much live rock as possible, this will provide the pods.
Happy Fish Keepin'
your not supposed to they are aggressive against their own species and over food <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" />


About the only way to tell the difference on the psychedelic ones is by the first dorsal spine - the males will be very long wheras the females are short. Its best to stick to 1 variety and if a pair is requested then get a mated pair 1 male and 1 female. My mandarian and my scooter had a faceoff when first introduced in a 100 gl. Now they look at each other and turn around to go seperate ways.


in a 85 gall i would only attempt 1 not to. maby 2 if it was a much much bigger system. even in an 85 1 mandarin will do a number on the pod population


Alright guys, thanks for the info...So, I was thinking maybe I could get a male mandarin and a female Psychedelic...but still in an 85, too tough on the copepods, huh? You think I really have to choose?
That's interesting on the Scooters to hear. I wondered about that too a while back. Does a Scooter eat copepods too then?
Would a male mandarin and a female psychedelic ever mate? Being different species but similiar enough?
How do people who have mated pairs have enough food then,like someone already told me they have a mated pair in a 50 gallon? Wouldn't food still be a problem? So curious.............


Well guessing here but around 90% will only eat pods. There are rarities that will accept frozen foods as well - luckily mine are. Both my scooter and mandarian accept frozen - yes scooters eat pods too.
If you have a healthy refugium, it might support enough pods for 2 in a 85gl.
Breeding mandarians for offspring is nearly unheard of. Same species is very difficult hince there are no captive breed mandarians. I doubt seperate species is possible.


I'm really not interested in breeding at all. I just really wanted those "two", one of each. What do you think about a male of one species and a female of another if you had enough pods?


I'd say a male of 1 and a female of the other would do ok together. Feed is another story - you would need a very healthy refugium to maintain a supply of pods. Using a pump without any type of strainer would keep the pod population on the tank up.


Active Member
I have one mandarin in a 55 gal and most everyone has me scared that it is going to starve, so I started a 20 gal stand alone refugium for pod growth and in the meantime we hatch live brine shrimp and feed that a couple time a week. The mandarin definately eats them. We turn the pumps off for about 30 minutes so the little brine shrimp get a chance to get in the rocks etc.


I have one in a 55 gallon. mine eats frozen brine as well as frozen mysis, and marine cuisne. I is possible to keep two just before you buy them make the LFS show you that they are eating frozen foods like I did. DON"T TAKE THIER WORD FOR IT!!! They are in business to make money! There was a thread of a guy on one board that had a breeding pair but he had a very hard time getting the fry to eat. It is possible to get them to breed.


Thanks for the extra info! Sounds good..Yeah, it'd be nice to have them eat something besides copepods but got to prepare as if that's all they'll eat too. Good luck with both of yours! How long have you had them?