The Ultimate goby


Active Member
What goby would you consider the best goby? And why?
I go with the diamond goby:yes: . Why? Because he has a great personality (picks up hermit crabs by his mouth and places them where he(the goby) thinks the tank needs to be clean


i love, clown gobies, and many others its hard to decide by clown gobies are one of my fave in the goby family


Active Member
I'd have to go with an Engineer Goby being the "ultimate goby". Not the best goby, but the ULTIMATE. Considering mine is approaching a foot and a half and people mistake them for eels when they're full grown.

nm reef

Active Member
Most of the gobys can be kewl...just depends on what you like I suppose. I have a tiger goby that hangs out in my refugium(my other fish didn't care much for him being in the main display)...I also keep a rusty clown goby and a yellow goby...all are very interesting. As mentioned above engineer gobys are extremely interesting but a word of caution...they love to burrow and will cause LR structures to fall if care is not taken. Plus they will make it nearly impossible to keep any corals on the sand bed. Not to mention the fact they'll virtually destroy any potential benefits from a DSB...I maintain a 220 reef that has a pair of engineers and they are constantly turning over the sand bed.


Can one keep a diamond goby, with say, a clam (sitting on the sand bed)? I've seen these sleeper-type gobies sift before, and it doesn't seem violent at all...but if they cause a storm all the time, the last thing you want is sand going all over your clams and plate coral...


i'd say firefish goby, all around cool fish... not to boisturous... just a chill out and let me do my own thing kinda fish (also a ill jump as high as i want when i want kind of personality) lol:happy:


Active Member
Yellow Clown Goby is my favorite. Mine has loads of personality and is always out front swimming in the current.


I gotta a little bad as$ watchman goby. Yellow with blue spots on his face. I have had zero problems with him and he's an eater.