The (un)Official "Rate My Tank" Thread!


Hi All, Not sure if this is the right section for this, but I got this idea from a Cichlid forum that I'm also a member of, and since I haven't been able to find a thread dedicated to this, I thought I'd start my own just to see what kind of interest it might gather.
The idea's pretty simple; Someone posts a picture of their marine tank, optionally with a bit of info on the tank. Then the next person to post gives the previous tank a rating from 1-10, and gives their opinions on what they like/do not like/or suggestions on how to improve the tank (Be nice though, as this is a friendly forum
) and in turn, post a picture of their tank to keep the cycle going! Just please only rate a tank if you're posting a picture of yours as well, in the interest of keeping the thread going with pictures of all the nice tanks I'm sure everyone has on here!
Anways I suppose I'll have to start, so here goes!
90 Gallon Mixed Reef/Fish
20 Gallon DIY Sump/fuge
Just the Volitans and Blue Tang in there for now, along with a few different inverts, etc.
It's a big-time "Work in progess" (As I'm sure every tank is, haha) Planning on adding 30lbs or so more rock as soon as I get the funds, as well as a lighting upgrade.
Let me know what you think (Be honest!)

Btw, the gorgs are actually much healthier than they look in this picture, I just moved them prior to taking the picture, so they're still hiding lol


I'll play. This tank was torn down about a little over a year ago to upgrade to the 155, but as soon as we move, I'm doing another 40G breeder.
40G Breeder, non-drilled. 7 or so months old at time of picture
30G Sump
Mag 7 Pump.
0 Powerheads because the pump really was strong enough
Current Nova Extreme Pro T5 lighting (don't remember the bulb configuration anymore, but they weren't stock)
Coral Beauty Angelfish
Dragon Goby (Bullet Banded Sleeper)
Green Target Mandarin baby
2 Ocellaris Clownfish
5 Nassarius snails
20 Trochus snails
10 blue legged hermits
5 scarlet hermits
Sand sifting Starfish



Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by socal57che http:///forum/thread/382333/the-un-official-rate-my-tank-thread#post_3336169
Originally Posted by PMac85 http:///forum/thread/382333/the-un-official-rate-my-tank-thread#post_3336146
Thanks, I'm glad you felt the need to be so elaborate with your response...
Originally Posted by socal57che
I give you a 1 because you have way too many fish.
You're welcome.
Now, who's next?

Well I don't like this method, I want to comment on both tanks...can I bend the rules?
socal57che: You didn't say how big your tank is...The GSP is getting just a little out of hand...time to frag and share. I give your tank a 9 because it looks healthy but not a 10 because I don't see any fish at all.
This is an old picture of my 90g


Pmac85 - I like the tank and that you allowed lots of swimming room for the lionfish. Is that hair algae in the bottom right hand corner? Do you have plans for adding anymore rock or fish? I'm not brave enough to put a lion in a reef. I give you lots of credit.
Socal57che - I like your tank a lot. No fish? If it were me, I would have built the rock up higher, but I like reefs that are packed out with rock (if you couldn't tell). And I agree with Flower, that GSP is taking over, LOL.
Flower, I LOVE your Lemonpeel. I can't believe how much stuff you lost :'(


BTLDreef - The algae you see in the bottom-right corner is just on the glass where I hadn't put too much time in scraping it for a little while (It's a pain to get in there since I put the LR so close to the glass). Yes, I do plan on adding some more rock and fish (Once I get some more money together), I'm going to build up around the overflow in the center, and a little more on the left-hand side of the tank. As for what I'm going to add for fish... I'm not too sure yet, but I'm open for suggestions!
Nice looking tanks everyone by the way! Keep 'em coming!


Active Member
oops. I was having a posting meltdown when I stumbled across this thread in the aquarium. That's why I gave the OP a 1. =) Pmac...I was being silly. I rate the OP at a 6 for landscaping and green water.
72 bowfront, Fluval canister, Aquaclear HOB for chaeto, T-5s
Softies galore and a few LPS
I have a Niger Trigger and a Maroon Anemonefish in that pic, but they are hard to spot.
I am honored that anyone would give me a 9.


Active Member
PMac, since I am unable to edit posts from my machine, I'd like to add that I was being sarcastic about you having too many fish. The old timers know that I have never had more than 5 fish at any one time....usually just two.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/382333/the-un-official-rate-my-tank-thread#post_3336333
Originally Posted by socal57che
PMac, since I am unable to edit posts from my machine, I'd like to add that I was being sarcastic about you having too many fish. The old timers know that I have never had more than 5 fish at any one time....usually just two.
Surely when you say OLD-TIMERS you are referring to JOE

LOL, I would have said geezers.


As for the "green water" I don't know if it's because of the algae and what-not that I don't scrape off the back wall of the tank making the light reflect a green tinge throughout the tank, or if it's actually the water itself... All of my water parameters are perfect, but believe me... That green color drives me insane! Haha


Active Member
Originally Posted by PMac85 http:///forum/thread/382333/the-un-official-rate-my-tank-thread#post_3336427
As for the "green water" I don't know if it's because of the algae and what-not that I don't scrape off the back wall of the tank making the light reflect a green tinge throughout the tank, or if it's actually the water itself... All of my water parameters are perfect, but believe me... That green color drives me insane! Haha
Carbon can certainly improve the clarity. The green algae feeds off of proteins and nitrates in your water column. Drain the water off any frozen food before you feed. Try to stay away from flakes if possible. Be religious with water changes and use RO or RODI water for top offs and mixing salt. Keep your flow rate high to prevent "dead spots" where food & waste can accumulate and decay. Adding chaetomorpha can help reduce the nitrates in your water column, but it should not be seen as a cure-all for high nitrate levels.
Originally Posted by meowzer
http:///forum/thread/382333/the-un-official-rate-my-tank-thread#post_3336437 you run carbon?


Active Member
Crap.....I lost all the info I typed.
Anyway, "perfect" isn't a very good explanation of water quality. I usually take it as meaning "I haven't checked my params lately."
Phosphates readings can be skewed by organisms uptaking phosphates from the water column. Also, test kits that measure only inorganic phosphates can give you a false sense of security.
Try a phosphate magnet (like Phosban or Rowaphos) and see if you notice a difference. Remember, the phosphate magnet will become saturated and need to be replaced or it can leach phosphates back into the water.


Active Member
I am STILL unable to edit my posts. The above post contains an error that I cannot correct. It should say INORGANIC, not organic phosphate.
Ok...I may have found a way to edit my, this is a NIGHTMARE!


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/382333/the-un-official-rate-my-tank-thread#post_3336208
and this is my 155 in September (10 months old)

This tank is very nice. I like the rockwork with all of the nooks and crannies for fish to play in and for coral placement. Some more color variation would help to really set this tank off. I give it a

29 Bio Cube, mostly SPS with a few LPS and soft coral. Dwarf Pygmy Angel, Bali Tiger Jawfish, Tailspot Blenny, (2) Anthias