The world has a 1 in 50million chance of coming to an end


Active Member
Before the first nuclear bomb was tested, scientists weren't sure how big the reaction was going to be, and they weren't sure if it could destroy the whole world.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
Before the first nuclear bomb was tested, scientists weren't sure how big the reaction was going to be, and they weren't sure if it could destroy the whole world.
Yes but they know that this could create a sustainable black hole because they have created unsustainable ones.


How funny would it be if it just...didn't start (bunch of "scientists" shuffling around checking wires)
. Hope the pay off is pretty cool if it could possibly end the world...time is ticking till 2012
. Pfft least we could say we were there


Originally Posted by morval
i hope they find that higgs boson there looking for

Even if it is identified, in everything I have read I do not understand how this would be of great value or benefit. I don't pretend to understand exactly what it is that is being identified in the first place. I get the gist of it, but fail to realize the intrinsic value of identifying this particle. I dunno, I guess I am the kind of guy that knows water is wet, but could care less why.


Active Member
Interesting, although the title is confusing to me. A chance of 1 in 50 million is only significant if you have a huge sample size. The odds might as well be 1 and 1 or 50 million to 1 because in the end it either ends or it doesn't and if it ends, the odds don't matter and if it doesn't they don't matter either.
Hmm, just wanted to vent my opinion on insignificant odds...
But thats a cool particle acellerator 'thingie' (I believe thats the technical term right).