The worst LFS ever!!!!


Active Member
I walked in to the store this afternoon and this is our conversation:
Me: Hi, can I ask you a quastion?
Manager: Shure!
Me: Do you guys carry Royal Grammas?
Manager: What is that?
Me: You know, the small fish with yellow on the back ang purple on the front.
Manager: Oh, those are called Funky Clownfish.
My Mind: What the hec is that!?!?
Me: is that evan a real fish?
Manager: Yes we have one over here. Fallow me.
Me: that is a royal Gramma.
Manager: No it is not, it is a funky clownfish.
Me: well I will take the "funky clownfish"
Manager: are you shure, they are really hard to care for. It might die when you put it in your tank.
Me: im shure.
After that I took it home into my tank and it is living right now! I have no idea what the crap a funky clownfish is! It looked 100% like a royal gramma.
Sometime, I think that some people need to study some books!


Active Member
I have never seen so many dead fish, still in their shipment bags (or just added) at the LFSs as Grammas. Out of an order of 7, 5 were dead one time. So the 'hard to care for bit' is justifiable. The 'funky clownfish' is part is hiliarous though. Are you sure this guy was the manager, and not just blowing smoke up your tail?


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
I have never seen so many dead fish, still in their shipment bags (or just added) at the LFSs as Grammas. Out of an order of 7, 5 were dead one time. So the 'hard to care for bit' is justifiable. The 'funky clownfish' is part is hiliarous though. Are you sure this guy was the manager, and not just blowing smoke up your tail?
Sounds more like he was taking in smoke.


You should have told him he was an idiot, told him to read a book, and not shop at stores that hire morons!!!


I just read the original post again........A FUNKY CLOWNFISH!!!
I would seriously approach the manager like this "Hi im *****, i was a potential customer to this store, and would like to be in the future. I do not know if you know this or not, but you have a total airhead selling fish in your store. Rather than spend some time gaining knowledge about what he is attempting to sell, he makes up "cute" names for fish, hoping that i am as stupid as he is, will think the name is cute, and buy the fish."
Thats like a car salesman trying to tell a mustang affectionado that the new mustang on the lot is called a zippy roadster, then arguing with him that it is not in fact called a mustang


more than likely hired off the street with no knowledge of SW fish or corals and that what some kind came in a called it so thats what he thought it was. I have seen this so many times its UNREAL!!!!
The people that work in the LFS here in town know more about the fish and corals than the owner does but wont give them the opurtunity to actually do whats needed so the tanks suffer badly. he doesnt order fish and corals but once or twice in a 3 month period and then only orders a minumum order so there still isnt a good selection to choose from.
The guys they have working there have resorted to actually calling them by what the people that come into the store call them because the owner says the customer is right LOL YEAH RIGHT LOL anyway when someone actually comes in and calls them by name it throws them off cause they are used to the cutsy names with.
any thats what I was thinking when I read your thread LOL


Active Member
LOL funky clownfish.
kind of reminds me of one of the local stores in town where, when you ask any employee in the store a question, any question, they go ask one guy and the guy they ask is the guy that advocates "adding an airstone to a marine tank to remove nutrients" no kidding its not even a mistranslation, or misunderstanding of what he's saying. I absolutly refuse to spend money there I would rather shop at *****, or stab myself in the eye with a rusty scalpel. either one would be less painfull than giving this guy any support in staying open. for the sake of hobbyests and the reef hobby in general I hope this guys store goes under, and in this economy thats a real mean thing to say.


Active Member
I feel deprived...I patronize 2 LFS near my house and both have knowledgeable staff, good quality livestock that is well cared for, and get this-their staff actually know the business. One is better than the other, but both are pretty good.


Take him a hooked on phonics paphlet.

And a book on saltwater fish and come back in a few years.
Because even if you dont go there somebody else will and unless they find something like this we might lose another reefer!!!