The worst thing a LFS CUSTOMER ever said


To all you responsible lfs workers, I applaud you :)
To all you disgruntled retail/customer service workers, I completely feel your pain. I've worked various retail jobs for the last five years (and i'm finally out! yay for college internships).
I can't remember the worst thing a customer has ever said to/around me, but there are definitely a few good ones. I have to say the most annoying thing I ever got asked (and asked on at least a weekly basis) was if someone could have something for free. I'm not talking small $2 items. I'm talking about scanning a $150 order, the customer only having $90, and wanting everything discounted so they could buy it...
I currently deliver pizza (for another week at least), and at least once a week a customer asks me if they can have the bag. We have special bags with heat cores that cost about $80 each, and customers get offended when I politely tell them no... *sigh*


Active Member
This is more of a worst thing I ever said to a customer. I was actually recruited to go around and oversee the aquatic dept heads, not deal with nubes. So when PDummy bought my chain I ended up a sales clerk, well... anyway
A guys buying a 2# pack of frozen brine and I said wow you must have a lot of fish. He told me it was the only thing he fed them. I told him its only a treat food and not to use more than a couple times a week. He got real ticked off and said "they like it way more than any other food so it must be the best for them" He had his dog with him and I said " lets pour your dog a bowl of water and a bowl of anti-freeze and let him tell us which is better for him".
I had a lady tell me her 10 y.o. daughter wanted breed guinea pigs and could I suggest a book. I showed her one for kids and pointed out that the section on sexing them was after the section on breeding and she would obviously need to read that part first. She complained to the manager that I was talking about --- in front of her kid and they wrote me up for sexually harrassing a minor customer. Boy, the things a store manager will do to get rid of a clerk that makes more than him


If I ever got written up for that, corporate would be informed within an hour. I would make sure that managers head rolled for such a bullshit write-up. Sexual harrasment is taken very seriously, and being written up for it, especially involving a minor, is no minor issue (pardon the pun). Not only is that a defamation of character, it could also have legal reprocussions if anyone pushed the issue. If it wasn't all that long ago, I would push to get it stricken from your record.
If its not taken away, push for defamation of character under false charges...get yourself a pretty penny from the corporate asses...


I used to deliver Pizza so I've seen and heard just about everything you can imagine. People used to try to buy my hat all the time for some reason. The stupidest fish related thing I've seen is at the condo office where my Grandmother lives, they've got a small Volitan in a 75 or so gallon community type tank with tiny damsels, clownfish, and some other small fish. I asked the owner if he realized that the Lion is poisonous, can get as big as a basketball, and will eat everything in the tank. He informed me that although plenty of people had died from stings (not true, not one documented case) but, that there was no way that fish would ever get big enough to eat any of the other fish.
He was slightly larger than the biggest clownfish so I'm thinking to myself "yeah right, give him a month until he gets big enough, lol."


i once got into i fight with a costomer who insisted that the PH of his tank was 2. Yes 2. I told him that was imposable and he test hi water again. To this day he refuses to deal with me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
This is actually too great. I had to go and find this post I had made earlier. I hate people sometimes... I get kind of cruel... Working two totally differing retail jobs per day CAN'T be good for my customers!

I'm the newest employee at our local pet store.
I am the only one who does saltwater, which is a majour reason why I was hired on.
My third day, I snapped at a lady. This is how it went. I have no shame.
*I am at the counter, la la la, standing there*
*Lady comes up with green net, clownfish food, and a packet of Oceanic Salt that mixes to approximately 5 gallons, she is talking on her cell phone... she looks like a drugged out skank, old enough to be my mother*
Lady (talking to whoever on her phone) : ...Yeah... I have six dayum-sells (translates to Damsels)... Thur still hidin... *Bla bla she talks for a few minutes and hangs up*
Me: (As I am ringing up her items) So, I see you have a saltwater tank. You've got 6 Damsels in it?
Lady: *Thinks about it because she is stupid* ...Yeah... I wanna get one of them Yellow Tangs...
Me: *Quite alarmed, wondering if her tank is even big enough* What size tank do you have?
Lady: *Has to think* ...Uhh... seventy-somethin'.
Me: Oh, okay... *Rings up stuff*
Lady: I think Ima get one tomorra.
Me: Oh? How long have you had your tank running?
Lady: Uhh... two days?
Me: !! Did you let it cycle? *Has totally stopped ringing things up, staring at her in disbelief*
Lady: *Looks at me like I am as stupid as I think that SHE is* Uhhh, what? I had your manager come and set up my tank.
Me: Uhh... Yeah! But you're supposed to let it cy- *Gets cut off by rude fat lady shushing me*
Lady: Look, Im busy Ive got to go.
Me: *Takes her money and gives her the change*
Lady: *Insert snide remark here about me knowing nothing, she walks toward the doors*
Me: *Slightly raises voice* Well in about a week when your Ammonia spikes and your fish die, come back and see me and I'll help you get your levels down! *Friendly wave*
Not all LPS employees are stupid when it comes to saltwater. It's the stupid-asses like that, that make us look bad...

I love how you layed out your story in full script form. You are hilarious!