Thermos Trade- Read completly if participating


Active Member
10 slots. each person must reserve thier spot by emailing me at And entering ID, item and slot number in this thread
We all go purchase same model for consistantsy in sending and recieving. Make and model to be decided by group.
Once all are signed up and validated we ship on March 25th, Last day to sign up is March 20th.
lets try to keep this simple.
1- Thermos. model to be determined by group. We will colaborate for something nice and yet cost effective.
2-Sign up in this thread with the below information and THEN email your "Item", "Contact info" and "Slot number" in the trade. Email me at Do not post personal info in the main board.
cut & paste this portion in your post if you are signing up, Fill it out
Slot Number-
(The slot number your claiming is NOT the order in what you recieve or who you are sending to. It is a seat in the 10 participants.)
As for selecting what you will recieve- once we have all 10 signed up with thier items and confirmed emails. We will have to have a selection process that is randomly determined at the end. A random order for the 10 spots so these ten spots then get shuffled into a choosing order. Then they pick in order of this series. Unfortunatley the last guy gets whats left. This make sense to everyone I hope. I will take the LAST spot for choice so at least this gives choosing position #9 an option instead of feeling stuck with one item to choose from.
Size- Nothing tiny, no 1/2inch frags or plugs with 3 heads of Zoa. Please make the frag you are sending of decent quality and size. Nothing HUGE and please nothing extreme. If Zoa- make it 15 headed. If candy make it 3 headed. Mushrooms make it 3-4 on the rock. Ok you get the picture. I am not the frag police for what is worth what so dont ask. Just try and take care of the guy thats recieving it and be fair.
Everyone participating please read the thread so you are not duplicating an item someone else is sending. Items that are being sent should be crossed off list of eligible items to send for new participants. Also to be sure of your slot number is correct.
SO lets get this rolling: Deadline to sign up AND EMAIL info is MArch 20th. If I do not recieve email your spot wil not be held. We all ship March 25th. If shipping info or directions on how can also be addressed via email OR in this thread.


Active Member
cut paste this portion in your post if you are signing up, Fill it out
__________________________________________________ _______
ID- ReefForBrains
Item-Red Cactus Coral aka. Pavona Cactus approx 2 inch frag
Slot Number-#1
__________________________________________________ _______
(The slot number your claiming is NOT the order in what you recieve or who you are sending to. It is a seat in the 15 participants.)


Active Member
Personally, I think you are making it to difficult for people to trade and have fun doing it. Barry


Active Member
Personally, I think it is a well thought out plan and should work quite well in preventing a bunch of questions/issues. Best wishes


Active Member
Hahahahah Frog, got your email your good.
Yes Agreed that this is a bit of a mess to wrangle. Not trying to complicate things, just trying to get a level ground for folks to explore trading while minimizing the risk.
I do think it is a good test to get folks involved and hopefully everyone will benefit.
Good to have some seniored folks get involved too, if for nothing helps the newbies add to thier collections. I have noticed quite a few younger hobbiests that have a really tight budget. This might be a chance for them to get something normally out of thier budget/availability. Will you REALLY miss a frag of something you prize?
Slot#1 ReefForbrains 2inch Red Cactus Pavona
Slot #2 Rabid Frog Red Zoa


Hi you all I have theses to trade
Item-green Sinularia 2" to 3"
Capnella 2" to 3"
Green blue purple mix coloer yams 2 not mounted
Purple shroom rook Has 2 nice size shrooms
Chaetomorpha ill put in for free have lot of it
just pick what you would like to trade for

just me

__________________________________________________ _______
ID- Just Me
Item- pink zoos
Slot Number- 4?
__________________________________________________ _______
(The slot number your claiming is NOT the order in what you recieve or who you are sending to. It is a seat in the 10 participants.)


Active Member
So this is where we stand so far 3/7
Slot #1 ID- ReefForBrains Item- Red Cactus Pavona
Slot #2 ID- RabidFrog Item-Red Zoa
Slot #3 ID- Zarro Item-Green Unmounted Yams
Slot #4 ID- Just Me Item- Pink Zoa
Thank you for the clarification Zarro, makes everything much more managable when you clarify single item. You are in fine.
Sharkbait-please minimize the confusion and confirm Single Item to take #5 slot.


__________________________________________________ _______
ID- joojoo
Item- Purple Star Polyps
Slot Number- 6
__________________________________________________ _______


Active Member
Slot #1 ID- ReefForBrains Item- Red Cactus Pavona
Slot #2 ID- RabidFrog Item-Red Zoa
Slot #3 ID- Zarro Item-Green Unmounted Yams
Slot #4 ID- Just Me Item- Pink Zoa
Slot #5 ID- Sharkbait9 Item-green spaghetti leather 2-3 inch not mounted
Slot #6 ID- Joojoo Item- Purple Star Polyps
Slot #7 Still Open
Slot #8 Still Open
Slot #9 Still Open
Slot #10 Still Open
Just doing a bump/update still have plenty of room for a few more.
Come on you guy/gals that have been around for a while Join in. Most of us old schoolers have full tanks and this will be a great way to help spread some joy with a frag from one of your overgrowths.
cut & paste this portion in your post if you are signing up, Fill it out
__________________________________________________ _______
ID-Just Fishings
Item-2 1/2 round frag rock of false coral
Slot Number-7
__________________________________________________ _______
(The slot number your claiming is NOT the order in what you recieve or who you are sending to. It is a seat in the 10 participants.)
ID- stangbabe1993
Item- rose BTA and star polyps
Slot Number- 8
can i join in. my rose Bta just split again. I would really like to do this. i haven't done this before so just let me know what to do. and i have star polyps good size pieces


Active Member
Certainly all are welcome, but please be clear when you join, and not to sound demanding, please read the entire first post of this Thread, this will clarify most all questions and details..
Welcome in if you decide to join
WOW you where up early on the computer this morning. You left in your last post to be clear when you join; you didn't update the slots list so I didn't know if the information I sent you didn't go through like it was suppose to or you just didn't do an update yet? Thanks !!!


Active Member
Yeah I keep very strange hours on particular days of the week. I have everyone elses info but have not recieved info via email from just_fishings. But Ill update as follows. just_fishings please email your info so I can add you into the list for shipping
Slot #1 ID- ReefForBrains Item- Red Cactus Pavona
Slot #2 ID- RabidFrog Item-Red Zoa
Slot #3 ID- Zarro Item-Green Unmounted Yams
Slot #4 ID- Just Me Item- Pink Zoa
Slot #5 ID- Sharkbait9 Item-green spaghetti leather 2-3 inch not mounted
Slot #6 ID- Joojoo Item- Purple Star Polyps
Slot #7 ID- just_fishings Item-2.5 inch False Coral Frag
Slot #8 ID- stangbabe1993 Item-Rose BTA (size of Lemon)
Slot #9 Still Open
Slot #10 Still Open
First thought was perhaps an Anenome wouldnt be proper since some may not have the lighting, but when we go to the lottery for choosing I am confident it will find a nice home. and I am sure everyone will get something they like. We have a nice mix growing here. 2 spots left folks. Jump on in.
Stang-you got mail.
everyone else. stay tuned and email if you have any other questions.