thermos trade


I am interested in starting a thermos trade. there are no specifics as to what you can trade. meaning sps, lps, shrooms, zoos or anything you want. I seem to have been burnt by the last trade I was in. Therefore you have to make a deposit into a paypal account of the person you are shipping to. when that person receives the thermos they refund the money. if anyone has any better ideas I am definitely open. I just do not want this to be the same as the last trade I was in. I could not contact the person I was supposed to receive from or the person ahead of them. I think we will try this state by state therfore shipping time is lessened unless you all want to ship overnight. all you need is the standard plastic thermos and some corals frags to trade. please enter what you have to trade and your state. I have some green zoos, xenia, brown button polyps, digitata, seriatopora, fingerleather and various colored shrooms. I am in New York.



I am interested. However, I don't know about the whole money deposit thing. Seems a little odd. I can understand getting burnt on a deal haven't we all. Yet, to try the deposit thing is a bit on the extreme side. I would suggest tracking numbers, or local swaps. I see you are in NY, shoot me an email We'll talk more about a trade.


I got burned on the last one I'm willing to try again. I'm going to ship overnite the nwxt time. Im hoping the person that I trade with is going to do the same. Or just pick someone that will to ship overnight.


I have not and will not. I have been involved in two thermos trades with individuals who have not returned emails or shipped to me. I have done my best to ship good corals and expect the same from other members in the group.


this is the way things are going to go. everyone must ship through usps. whether you ship one day or priority is up to you. then you will send your recipient your tracking number. you do not ship until you receive your tracking number. I will put people in pairs and you trade between each other. if we come up with an uneven number one of the pairs will be made into a threesome. cutoff is this sunday at 5pm eastern time. I need everyone to let me know their emails. If you do not give an email you will not participate. please feel free to ask more questions if they arise.


I'm in I will try again will shipping be on Monday the 10 of July? I would say that you have to have a email thats confirmed first and I would be willing to check the address out first. So lets do it.


I am very interested.........all i have to trade is some pretty good size frags of toadstool mushrooms
would like some regular shrooms that are colorful or anything that will make it under my p.c's....i am in illinois
will post pic of the frag like this

tx reef

Active Member
Hopefully I don't get burned. This will be my first trade. Be sure to post positive feedback for those who do things right.


Active Member
im in, ive got green zoas, kenya tree, and green star polyps.
ill take pretty much anything besides what i listed and orange zoas. i have enough lighting for any coral, so thats not a problem.
email is


Member I have purple/blue mushroom, streak mushrooms,golden birdnest, digitata, montipora, green star polyps, kenya tree, green zoos, finger leather, ricordea and I'm sure there is more. I'm just having a brain fart


The minimum trade is three frags. how far you go above that is up to you. after closing on sunday you should contact the person you are paired with and let them know what you have so they can make a decision on what they want. after exchanging choices and addresses you will be responsible for purchasing your shipping from usps and will then send your tracking code to your paired person. do not expect to receive anything from you partner if you do not do this. that person can get a shipping refund from usps within 48 hours of purchase. I intend this trade to go over well. I feel everyone should purchase express shipping. It is about $18 and the corals will not be in transit a long time. priority mail can take up to two to three days. corals basically will drown in their own slime without current that long. please feel free to join this trade. we are still accepting people until sunday the 9th at 5 pm eastern time.


sedorusc, Thanks for the clarification I believe that everyone should ship it express shipping it’s the best way to send stuff. Let the pairing begin. I hope this will be fun.