These clowns too big for 14 Biocube?


Active Member
I know lots of people keep a pair of clowns in their 14 gallon tanks, but from the moment I put these two in last night I just get the uncomfortable feeling they are too large.
I know the REAL test will be to watch how well the tank can keep up with the bioload but I almost feel like there's not enough swimming space for these two guys. They are both acting pretty frantic and frenzied but that may be simply because they're new and not accustomed to the tank yet, but I just don't get the feeling that they are "happy".
Your thoughts? Should I move them to my 55 and look for a smaller pair of clowns? (I hate just having one - they seem much happier in pairs).



i have two descent size of o clowns as wel in my 14g
they will be ok. getting smaller clowns would be the same deal because they will just grow. two should be good. just know that .. that might be all you can do for the amount of fish you can put in the tank.. i have 3 clowns and 1 clown goby. and the rest inverts. no more fish for me... just corals( when i finish my cycle from my recent crash in the tank )
but you should be good. no sweats. i would take tht powerhead and replace the stock pump in third chamber with it... more gph..
takes up alotta space.. then maybe koralia nano?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coastie5685
i have two descent size of o clowns as wel in my 14g
they will be ok. getting smaller clowns would be the same deal because they will just grow. two should be good. just know that .. that might be all you can do for the amount of fish you can put in the tank.. i have 3 clowns and 1 clown goby. and the rest inverts. no more fish for me... just corals( when i finish my cycle from my recent crash in the tank )
but you should be good. no sweats. i would take tht powerhead and replace the stock pump in third chamber with it... more gph..
takes up alotta space.. then maybe koralia nano?
Good idea - I will move the powerhead and the heater into the back chambers as soon as I figure out how to get the false bottom out of there. I have pushed on it but don't feel anything budging and don't want to really move any rock if I can help it so I'm waiting to alter the back chambers till I have a good period of time on my hands and am prepared to get wet and tear things apart. How DOES that false bottom come out/off? And why do we call the first chamber on the left the "third" one. Don't we count left to right?


Active Member
Thanks, Rebel -- coming from you with your awesome tank, that compliment means a lot!
So how do get the false bottom out? It can be done while the tank is up and running and full, right?


Active Member
yeah just take a needle noose or something in simply pull it out I beleive.. Or like push it dwn on one side then take it out


well the false floor in the first chamber( far right ) is a pain to get out... i have tried for a good 30 minutes yesterday.
middle chamber is easy. i stuck tweezers down in there and pulled up its easy because its only sitting on a lip so it doesnt fall down to the .....true bottom?

but if u decide to remove middle chamber false floor be sure to keep the sponge in chamber 3 intact or else youll get your pump clogged. use the booklet your nano came with itll help.
o n when u get the false floor out of chamber 1 lemme know how it goes.


Active Member
False floor in chamber #1 is a little tough to get. You have to apply some muscle to it. I used a large flat blade screwdriver. Push down on one of the corners and it will pop.


Active Member
Thanks, guys, for the compliments and the helpful advice. I hesitated to use any muscle on chamber 1 because I figured I'd break something but now that I know the far right is a toughie, I'll be a little braver.
I imagine this is STILL going to mean some rock re-arranging, though - I mean, honestly -- do we ever put our hands in our tanks WITHOUT ending up moving "just one or two" pieces, which (at least with me) ultimately leads to taking it all out and starting fresh?
Maybe I should number the rocks so I can put them back in the same way.


Active Member
I hate to hijack a thread but since it's mine I figure I'll forgive myself.
Could you guys take a look at my thread in the "Disease" section called "Very Visible Veins"?
I really don't know if I should get the clowns out of there or if I should leave them alone.