They are finally here!!!


I'd like to introduce everyone to our newest family members. Marlin and Nemo! (son named them of course). I am so excited and thought this day would NEVER come! I sat and watched them for probably an hour after I put them in the tank. I didn't even count the time I watched them during acclimation. My fingers are crossed and I pray we will have them for a super long time. And I thought the crab, snail and shrimp were fun to watch.
Thanks to a friend of a friend I spoke to this morning I found an LFS store I didn't know about. I called them and they had several tank raised clowns for much less than the other LFS. There store was the coolest by far and the guy was knowlegable and friendly. I took everyones advice and picked a small pair in the same tank, one smaller than the other. I asked them to feed them...and they did. I asked how long they had been there. And, now there in my tank! Too cool!
Thanks everyone! I'm not sure I could have done it without the help of the people on this site. I've learned SO much!



nice, im about 2 weeks away from doing the same....
why does one have black outline while the other has white? no specific reason? :notsure:


Active Member
Hey Ant,
I could be mistaken but I thought Nemo's dad was Marvin? Anyone else have an opion about this?


Wait till ya get a fairly decent sized feather duster and your clown hosts in it. Thats what one of mine does. It is very funny to see him "sleeping" in it. I love my clowns too:) :happyfish :hilarious


I am about a week away from getting 2 clowns. I am very excited. Yours look great. Glad everything went smoothly and i wish you the best of luck with them!


Active Member
my gf loves our nemo. the other weekend at the bar i "nemo'd" her and her "gf's" (not really, but friends)
ub tube tops together and yeah, now i'm embarrased as he11. fun while it lasted but call me pink!!

word to the wise, don't unless they're drunker than you.


Woo-hoo! I love the support! Fishies look great this morning. I can't wait to get a feather duster for them....months down the road.:D Amt