They said raw shrimp is ok to cycle


Everyone on the earlier board (east coast) said that it would be ok to put shrimp-uncooked in my tank to speed up the cylce. I have a 39 gal. w/ about 60 lbs. of LR.
I have canned baby shrimp that I wanted to use. Would this be ok, and how many?:notsure: I would def. rinse the shrimp off. Remember these are TINY shrimp.
Thank you for reading this.


Active Member
Your 60 pound of live rock should be sufficient enough to cycle the tank without the addition of the shrimp. You can add bacterial supplements if you want, but just beware that they are uneccessary and cost money.


I have the LR in now. Thank you all for your suggestions. MUDPLAYER check out my other post. Left ya a message.
Thanks again all.


Active Member
If its uncured live rock it should work. If not then the shrimp should be added. If there tiny then dont bother I would just by 2 or 3 cocktail shrimp "around $0.20 for 3" and place them in there. Let your amonia spike off your chart then take them out.