They should all die...die, I say...


New Member
Anyway, isn't the cheetah the fastest creature in the animal kingdom? hahahahaha Seriously, my LFS and friends tell me to be wary of their growth... maybe at 6".
Another quote among many(You lov'em, right?): "More than one unwary diver ... has lost a finger to the mantis shrimp's lightning stab - one of the fastest animal movements known. One species delivers punches with the force of a small-calibre bullet, and has been known to break an aquarium wall of double safety glass." That must've been one big shrimp.


They do indeed have enough power to break the glass in this system. The force can be compared to the force of a .22 caliber bullett! You have to be more wary of the "smashers" as they are the ones that can break the glass, the "stabbers" stab their prey and aren't as much a threat to break the glass in an aquarium.


Staff member
Mantis Shrimp are Stomatopods, not shrimp. They are not related to shrimp, but are referred to as shrimp because of their front appendages and how they use them to capture food. They are called a "Mantis" because they resemble in appearance and have the same hunting characteristics of a praying mantis. They are experts at catching and killing their prey. They are very clever & stealthy; masters at keeping themselves out of site. There are two hunting categories for Mantis Shrimp, the "spearers" and the "smashers". The "spearers" use their

like claw to stab soft tissued prey. The "smashers" use their forceful, club-like claw to hit, crack open or pulverize harder bodied prey. It is the mantis in this 2nd category that has the notorious reputation from cracking aquarium glass and biting off fingers---divers as well as aquarist who stick their hands in tanks.


New Member
Thank you! Finally someone creditable agrees with me!
Wonder at what size I should start being concerned? Any idea?