They should fire every loan officer except me


because everyone here SUCKS. they sound so unbelievably CORNY!!!!!!
"hello sir. how are you today sir? is this your first time saving with us sir?"
" we're a direct lender so we.............we can get the job done. we can show you savings.........and cash..........and we're a really big company. we do a lotta loans."

SHUT UP! sometimes i just wanna donkey punch these shmeckelheads.
if they were a master like me then they could master the art of the mute button. this is where you say your usual speal, hit the mute button, and add a lil touch of your own. i'll give you an example:
"hi Bob my name's Tony and i'm a senior loan officer
*mute* do you like gladiator movies?"
"i'm gonna be the one to tell you if we're gonna be able to help you out or not
*mute* ever seen a grown man

"so what i'll do is just ask you a few questions and that way we can gear this towards what YOU wanna do
*mute* and, with that in mind, have you ever been to a turkish prison?"
now this is very effective in mind-boggling your mindless co-workers AND entertaining yourself too. anyone ever wanna get in sales? master the mute button and you shall succeed. now look at came here for help with yer saltwater tank and left with ammunition on how to be a rockstar. this just must be your lucky day.