They're Multiplying!!!!


At first I thought they were baby featherdusters but now I have no idea......whatever they are, they're getting their freak on :) b/c new ones keep popping up everywhere! Unfortunately, I can't post a pic. but they look like tiny, white pinapples (sorry, sounds stupid but I DK how else to describe them :) ) I've done searches and found nothing - any ideas?


is this what u have? if so they are q-tip sponges. completely harmless filter feeders.


Yes, that's exactly what they are! Thank you Alti!!!!!!!! Should I just leave them alone? Did they come from my LR/LS? Will they keep spreading? Is there any livestock who will eat them?:confused: As usual, I'm a newbie full of questions:)


they are good for your tank. just leave them alone. they stay in the higher flow areas of the tank and filter feed. i used to have a bunch of them near my overflow box, but since ive lightened the bioload and feeding in the tank they seem to have gone away.


Alti, Thanks again:D :D :D My tank has only been cycled for 6 months so any new growth that is not bad (i.e. Diatoms) is welcomed :p


i had one of those in my tank, and was wondering what it was, i was going to post a pic, but when i went to take the picture my emerald crab had eatten it already :(


Maybe I should get an emerald crab!!! I'm still gathering my clean-up crew and my q-tip sponges seem to be spreading quickly! What else should I add besides an emerald crab? All I have, currently, is 2 Damsels, 2 False Percs., 2 CCstars, 2 Pep shrimp and a brown brittle.:confused:


Active Member
I HAD those too, they are harmless. I added an dwarf angel, and none are left now----that was in a matter of a few weeks. (that wasn't intentional, I actually liked them) Angels feed on sponges, its a major part of keeping them healthy. Since your tank is 6 months old you may want to try a dwarf angel, but only if your parameters are good.


Active Member
is this it? atfirst i thought it was my polyps spreading out but it looks more like that q-tip thing, it just came out of no where


Active Member
The are harmless and will die off on their own. Odds are, dwarf angels will not eat them. Please do not buy an animal simply to erradicate something like this. You will end up never enjoying your tank!