Well I've had such good luck for about 3 years and now all of a sudden my corals are dying. I've got a brain and plate that are almost gone and my bubble anemoni started looking bad today and moving. Some of my zo's have been closed up for a few days now. My bubble coral was looking bad but it looks alittle better. And it looks like my xenia has started dropping little pieces but not dying. They just start pulsing where ever they fall. I can't figure out what could be wrong.
Am- 0
nitrate 0
ph 8.3
salinity 35
phos 0
alk 350
cal. 450
alk and cal have been a problem but I haven't had any trouble in the past. I finally stopped adding b-ionic all together because I couldn't get it level.
The only thing I'm thinking it could be now is something in the water or a chemical warfare. I use an ro/di system and I just changed the filters out after seeing the problem start a couple weeks ago. Things are not getting any better. I use oceanic salt. Do water changes about every other week. I can't think of what to do anymore. any suggestions?
Am- 0
nitrate 0
ph 8.3
salinity 35
phos 0
alk 350
cal. 450
alk and cal have been a problem but I haven't had any trouble in the past. I finally stopped adding b-ionic all together because I couldn't get it level.
The only thing I'm thinking it could be now is something in the water or a chemical warfare. I use an ro/di system and I just changed the filters out after seeing the problem start a couple weeks ago. Things are not getting any better. I use oceanic salt. Do water changes about every other week. I can't think of what to do anymore. any suggestions?