Things on my rock


New Member
I have this thing on my LR that looks like a palm tree. its brown and about 3/4 of an inch long with these palm like branches on top. It started out as a little nodual. then one day it looked like this tiny palm tree. It has taken about a month for it to reach the size it is and now there are other smaller ones around it. The part on top that are like palm leaves are feathery looking...any ideas as to what these are, sorry i dont have a camera to take a pic. :confused:


New Member
it is not a feather duster, i have a lot of those on my rocks, this thing shrinks down at night to a little nub, it is not in a tube like the feather dusters. it has 8 branches on the top. it looks like a miniature palm tree only it is all completely brown.:confused: and there are several smaller ones that have been growing around it. the tops of the smaller ones are not as feather looking yet. they look the way the big one started out like.


New Member
lets see if this helps;) ..please dont laugh at my art work, but this is pretty much what it looks like.


New Member
:eek: oh no, can anyone tell me of a good site to see some pics of that stuff, ive seen a few pics of it , and it didnt seem to look like aptasia, but im no expert.


New Member
well, ive been scampering around trying to find pics of aptasia, and so far none of the pics i have come across look nothing like the mystery thing on my rock:confused: the pics i have seen look like aptasia has long tentacle looking things coming out of the thing has a long stem and a top with 8 branches that are sort of feathery looking, like a palm tree. :confused:

chef jaysen

I have one growing as well. Dont know what it is but it seems harmless. Might be nice looking when it gets bigger. Mine is close to the glass so I will try to take a pic tomorrow.


New Member
i found some pics of Xenia coral, and it to me looks like that may be what i have, i have seen a few pics of different types of it, and i am thinking that is what it is. any one know anything about Xenia?


New Member
I am sorry to be posting so much im not sure if it is Xenia or Anthelia...they both have a coral called waving hand coral. I am possitive it is a waving hand coral, but not sure if it is Xenia or Anthelia.


i dont think that this pic is going to turn to good........but i have one in my tank to. What is it???


New Member
here ae a couple of pics i came across which are what i have, hopefully it helps you guys out , only thing is i cant determine if mine is xenia waving hand or anthelia waving hand.:) 1st is xenia 2nd is anthelia


Active Member
Yours kind of looks like majano, another type of pest anemonae. Peppermints won't usually touch it, but kalk injections will kill it.

Keep in mind there are some physical and color variations.


OK thanks...theres only one so far. I didnt even notice it untill i was moving some LR around. Will it multiply if i don't get rid of it???