Things the dog eats


Originally Posted by ironeagle2006
funniest thing I ever saw him eat though was part of a bag of salt I used to rebag my salt for 5 gallon batches had to stop once I got him. He ate one then drank maybe 4 gallons of water nonstop
Ugh aweful. I drink 4 gallons of water if i get a little salt dust in my mouth when pouring into water. How did he just keep eating it after tasting the first bit. I love dogs but someting i feel like i need to strap a helmet on them
I have 3 dogs total
Luca- Rottweiler/ mastiff
Maggie- St bernard
Capone- Saluki/ doberman.. and winner of the dumby award


Active Member
My minpin I had loved makeup........especially the dark colored stuff or anything that was shiny and made a really nice stain on the carpet. She also loved chocolate.....yes I know it's poisonous for dogs. She would do anything to get the stuff and almost died a couple times. When I was selling cookie dough for school she actually gnawed off a heavy duty plastic lid and ate about a pound of it.
My currect golden really enjoys the taste of a nice bra.........unfortunately for me.......


Active Member
He only did it that one timething was he dragged it into the kitchen and then tore the bag open then he was I have no clue on him sometimes. His other favorite food was baby diapers til I laced one with Tabasco sauce and a jalopeno pepper.


New Member

Originally Posted by Girlina4x4
Blake- australian shepard mix
Bailey- lab/pitt mix
Brodie- american wiretail fox terrier
Romeo- chihuahua
Bentley- boston terrier
Baxter- boston terrier
Benny- border collie mix
You could say I LOVE dogs

Me too!


Active Member
Originally Posted by dogfaceman
is there something wrong with your dog? or just very well trained?
Just never had any treats. I trained him with praise instead of treats and he responded so well that it has become habitual. He does get a couple dog biscuts in the morning and loves his once a month Heartguard. Guess it has a good taste.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
My mastiff loves dirty diapers. Can't explain that one...

sure u can. dogs keep their dens clean, in any way they can. if it means ingesting the fecal matter to keep it off the pups, then that's what they'll do.


My golden eats ANYTHING and I do mean anything. It doesn't have to be organic for Jack to eat it. You know those really fat crayons for really little kids? Well when Jack poops lets just say he has very colorful poop. Jack tore his knee and had to have surgery earlier this year. While he was under the anesthetic, we had the vet remove the bones from his stomach and intestines (about 9 pounds worth). The dog had to be a goat in his previous life. . . . .


Originally Posted by OceanLover
While he was under the anesthetic, we had the vet remove the bones from his stomach and intestines (about 9 pounds worth). The dog had to be a goat in his previous life. . . . .
The bones of what? Maybe I missed something?


Active Member
Originally Posted by OceanLover
The dog had to be a goat in his previous life. . . . .

my dog LOVES!!!! cheese. when she hears you open that drawer in the fridge she will be you best friend.
She wont eat any round fruit like grapes or blueberries or cherry tomatoes. She treats them like toys. Im the only one who can get her to eat them.


Active Member
tobins cat baxter would eat just about anything he loved bean dip and once i gave tobin his liquid morphine stuff and took him to the bathroom when we came back into the room baxter was licking the medicine cup !
he took a loooong nap but he was fine


Active Member
Originally Posted by Girlina4x4
Grapes are not good for dogs, not nearly as bad a chocolate though.
both grapes and chocolate are pretty dang bad.... but both are only lethal in very large quantities - though they can cause serious issues in smaller amounts - especially if the animal already has an issue going on.... which is why it is never a good idea to feed dogs either of these items in ANY quantity whatsoever..... though there is no need to panic if fido accidentally gets an m&m off the floor. my dog actually ate an entire box of chocolate chip cookies and after a brief period of barfing, was perfectly fine. (I was a vet tech at the time and we put him in the clinic for observation all day in case something worse happened).
it's all BAD for them, so better not to give it to them.


Sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but I had to chime in!
I have five dogs. Here's what they like to eat...
1. Black lab -- I too have to keep my litter boxes behind a gate to keep her from snacking in them. She loves most kinds of poop but prefers the kind with cat litter sprinkles. However she is happy to eat poop from the bird cages if I leave the door open while cleaning the room. She also is known for stealing pizza off the counter if unsupervised.
2. "Dorkie" (dachsund/yorkie mix) -- LOVES dirty underwear. If he finds a pair that missed the laundry basket, he darts under the bed with them and eats them.
3. Greyhound mix -- pretty good about not eating things he isn't supposed to. He's pretty picky about what he'll eat. However, he has a great time tossing grapes around in the air. And he did have to go to the vet for eating most of a large dark chocolate bar.
4. Boxer -- Any food the other dogs don't get to first. But sticks to actual food.
5. Boxer/Beagle mix -- oh, boy. Daisy has eaten a cell phone, tried to eat a Palm Pilot, has a taste for bras, and regularly gnaws on toads. But the worst part was the time I was painting the shed and looked over to see her drinking from the paint can. After I stopped laughing at the white tongue, I decided to look at the label. The paint contained antifreeze! We rushed her to the vet, where they induced vomiting and put her on IV alcohol (yes, drunk doggie) for 48 hours. (Alcohol binds to the antifreeze, preventing kidney damage
A former family dog (RIP, Cujo) had a taste for... well, let's just say that with three women in the house, we had to keep the bathroom trash can tightly sealed or come home to the most disgusting mess you can imagine.