Think My Madarin Died, Should I Find Him???

I haven't seen my Madarin Goby in the tank now for a few days. He's probably dead because he's usually real active. Should I tear my tank apart (55 gallon) to try to find him or should my cleanup crew maybe take care of it?


Originally Posted by AquariumRookie
I haven't seen my Madarin Goby in the tank now for a few days. He's probably dead because he's usually real active. Should I tear my tank apart (55 gallon) to try to find him or should my cleanup crew maybe take care of it?
How much of a cleanup crew do you have?


Active Member
Might want to make a little list of WHY he might have died, first...
How long had your tank been established?
I made that uh oh with a poor scooter blenny. : (


Thought mine died last week and I found him in my return of the fuge DONT ASK how he got there. He was down there for a few days ( i couldnt find him for a few days) but he made it. I put him back in the tank and hes doing well. Def find him he has to be in there somewhere. What kinda clean up crew u got?
My cleanup crew consists of about 7 mexican turbo snails.....that's it. lol. As far as the establishment, it hasn't been established for long but the rock was taken out of old tanks so there were PLENTY of copepods. The weird thing is that this is the second fish I have lost within the past month. About a month ago I bought a pajama cardinal. He was small and for the first day he hid. The next day he was NOWHERE to be found. I even tore the tank down two days later and NO sign of him. My stocklist is a sailfin tang, a Koran angelfish (trying to sell), chocolate chp star, firefish, clown, bubble tip anemone, pink tip hatian, and rock anemone. Is there something that could be eating fish? My params are right where they should be.


Well you do have three anemones. LOL! Both of the fish you lost are slower moving fish. That's rarely a coincidence. Mandarins will rarely try to jump from an aquarium. Make sure you look real good around it before you start tearing it apart. Watch your anemones for throw up.
My top is covered so I should be good in that area. I really doubt that my anemones ate them, I keep them well fed. Somebody at a fish store told me about some type of shrimp hitchhiker that can come out at night and kill fish....any possibility of this?


You mean a mantis shrimp? Have you heard any loud clicking noises at night?
I'm not really around my aquarium at night to be honest with you. I got my rock from about three different aquariums, so its a possibility he could have hitchiked. Is there any way that I could lure him out if it is a mantis?


I don't personally know how (I do know it is extremely difficult), you could post a topic asking...but first you need to find out if it is a mantis...maybe wake up in the middle of the night and sneak by the tank really quick.


I have cought my CH Starfish eating on fish that have past. It doesnt take them long to find an easy meal. Even in my 125.