Think this is good for 65gallon tank?

Does this sound good to put in a 65 gallon tank?

~Ocellaris Clowns.....3-5
~Blue tang.....1
~Astrea snails.....20-25
~Cerith snails.....10-20
~Dwarf blue-legged hermit crabs.....10-15
~Dwarf red tip hermit crab.....0-10
~Peppermint shrimp.....0-5
~Scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp.....1
~Bulb anemone.....3-5
~Long tentacle anemone.....0-1
~Brittle star.....1
~Starburst polyp coral
~Colony polyp
~Striped mushroom coral
~Red mushroom coral
~Hairy mushroom coral
~Fox coral
As you could probably tell, I want my tank mainly to be an invertabrate tank, with soft coral only.:D
I would like to have more types of anemones, and coral...
Any suggestions?
...are all these compatable for each other?


everything looks ok with the exception of the tangs and the anemones...Your tanks too small for tangs and of course anemones shouldn't be bought at all.
Wait, let me look again......are those numbers you have listed after the critters how many you are planning to have?
Yes, the numbers after the critters are how many I am planning to have.
In most of the fish books that I have, It says that you need at least a 70 gallon tank for the blue tang; I thought it would be okay for my tank, since it is the same length as a 70 gallon tank. Now that I looked again, it says that a sailfin tang needs a 125 gallon tank, I guess I can cross that off my list right away...:(


When you have lots of crabs like that they tend kill each other. You might want to limit your number a bit on those. I'm far from a clown expert but in a tank that size I would think you'll want a pair not'll probably get lots of fight with more then two.
I sure hope you haven't fallen for the clownfish anemone trap.
I don't think I have fallen for any trap...
From all the reading I have done about anemones, it sounds likre it won't be too difficult, even though many people say it is. To start with, all I want ed was a tank with anemones, then I decided that I should get some fish also...
Clownfish only made sense, because theycould be hosted by the anemones...
...And about all the clownfish, I have been told that ocellaris clowns can be housed in groups, and won't fight, unlike other clownfish...
I think I am going to stick with a blue tang...


Active Member
and you're going to have Live rock right?
or somthing for algae to grow on, because a large portion of Blue Hippo tangs diet is algae.
My tank is 48 inches long (4 feet), and currently has 100 pounds of LR
by the way, I forgot to ask, why is it so bad to have anemones in an aquarium?


Active Member
IMO, 4 ft. is not sufficient for a blue (or any other) tang. My advice is 6 ft. minimum.
Anemones have very limited success even with expert aquarists.
Also, if you get more than two clowns, then two of them will more than likely pair up and kill off the rest.


Active Member
i have a 125 (6 fter) with one blue hippo, looks to me about 2 inches, doin great, i think the longer the better
so even if three OCELLARIS clowns, two of them would pair up and kill the other?
...They are supposed to do good in groups though...:confused:
The owner of the fish store that I go to has a 44 gallon "corner tank" set up on display to show people what their tanks could look like. He has a blue tang in it, and it is not even two feet long, and his tang is doing fine.
If I bought a blue tang and put it in a four foot long tank, wouldn't it do even better than that one in the 44 gallon tank?:confused:
:confused:I am so confused right now... :confused:


44 gallon is way to small for a tang, 4 ft long you may be able to get away with for awhile as many say 4ft is the minimum and others say 6 feet. but when it gets full grown there isnt enough room in a 65 for a tang.
the only tang i know of that could do well in a 65 full grown is possibly a yellow or kole tang as they stay on the smaller side.

irish pride

New Member
Well just because a fish is swimming and not covered in ick does not mean he is doing well. Tangs get large and more importantly love to swim. The guy at the LFS is simply doing what he has to, to make a sell. And I can't say for sure weather or not it will happen. But a pair of clowns can and have killed of others in smaller systems. There are so many choices of fish for you to choose from and I bet you can find some substitues for what you have already planned out. And I am sure that there are more than alot of people who can help you with some new suggestions. I would hate for you to go off what some LFS said and then everything take a turn for the worse.
Also...What type of lighting do you have for this set-up?


I think the tang would be fine in that tank for a may want to get a smaller tang like a yellow or a purple however, that way you don't have to take it out, since it will not likely outgrow a 65g tank.
anemones are fine, i have a bubble tip and its been doin well thus far, but its only been a month or two. just make sure you feed it squid and mysis and other meaty foods as often as possible.
Its really not right to say anemones shouldn't be bought at all for the purposes of the hobby. Next people will tell you not to drink, smoke or have ---. then you may as well be dead, since you won't be livin anyway.


Active Member
I would go with 2 clowns. A yellow or kohle would do fine for a while but probably not forever. And i would definetly skip the anemone.



Originally posted by aileena
I think the tang would be fine in that tank for a while...

Then what? put the whole tank through the stress of trying to catch it? Maybe just don't feed it so it wont grow as fast.
Originally posted by aileena
anemones are fine, i have a bubble tip and its been doin well thus far, but its only been a month or two.

Ooooooo, two months, your kidding, right ? How many have you killed before that? Sure, some people get lucky and manage to keep one alive for a while. Some people do research and buy tank raised anemones that have a better chance. You still have to deal with the fact that if you manage to keep it alive it will probably move around and sting and or get stung by other corals. I don't have a problem with people keeping anemones as long as they do it right.
Originally posted by aileena

Its really not right to say anemones shouldn't be bought at all for the purposes of the hobby. Next people will tell you not to drink, smoke or have ---. then you may as well be dead, since you won't be livin anyway.

No, you and I will still be alive...the anemone will be the one that is dead.


Active Member
i agree with bimac, you shouldnt put a fishy ou know will out grow your tank in. knowing your gonna take it out later.