Think this is OK?


Just wondering if you guys would think this is OK?
I wrapped the PVC around the top because i didn't want anymore threads hanging over the side of the tank. I already have both sides of the SCWD's outside the tank. This is being driven by a MAG12.
Let me know what ya'll think.


shrimpy brains

Looks great to me,
been working on ideas for a return myself.
I noticed you have them angled sideways, do you think with the mag 12, it will provide enough circulation to replace the need for a wavemaker or other?

Also, what's the deal with the toilet paper? Do you provide that for your little fissheys?
Could you teach me how u train them to use it?


Well I have the 2 left pointing down and to the right and I have the 2 right pointing down and to the left. All four are coming from SCWD's so I hope that All areas will be penetrated because only 2 outputs will be running at a time. If I need to i will turn the where I need them and add a PH in a front corner or something but I will let ya'll know when I get water in it.
The toilet paper is actually a paper towel roll standing up, I just cleaned my tank it was in storage while my house was being built.


That looks good.
The only place you may have to put a power head would be behind the rocks to keep everything clean behind them.