Think this is really an alcyonium?


Active Member
Actually, just occured to me. It actually looks like a neospongodes sp.. Very similar in appearance to dendronephthya but the coloration of neospongodes is very similar to the pictures shown. Do a search and let us know. Here's a pic from garf.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
I only just now looked at this thread, but the first thing I thought when I saw the first picture was, "Whoa SWEET brittle!"
Ophiura must be rubbing off on me. :D

:cheer: :jumping: :cheer:
Come on over to the right side!!!


boy I'm getting less and less sure about this thing. It gets bigger every day! I wouldn't think it would be doing that if it were a dendronephthea.


Active Member
Found this on another site which I can't post being sold as a lemnalia. I'd say the pics are a match but not 100% sure of the id. Probably the closest yet though hmm.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura

:cheer: :jumping: :cheer:
Come on over to the right side!!!
Hehe. :D


I say call the thing a leather and be done with it LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you want to get all scientific..
call it a....a......hum?... OH!
call it a Pretty Leather CORAL!
wow thats sooo specific... dang IM SMERT!
anyway, very nice peice you have there... I would be just has desparatly trying to find out as well!!!


So I hear what you're saying - "dude, stop trying so hard to figure out what it is and relax and enjoy it!"
Yeah, I hear you.


Just wanted to give everyone an update on this coral - it does seem to be growing! Oh, and sorry about the fromia getting in the way! :happy: How'd you like that one Ophiura? Two beautiful echinoderms in the same pic! Look at my sailfin trying to hog the camera!



Active Member
Well, since you posted it, I'll have to redirect this "coral" thread into a seastar thread :) Is it Fromia milleporella? As I am always looking for experiences with it in your 55g? How long? Do you note it taking any food or is it just cruising glass and LR with no interest in any other food? How much LR do you have?
While I have a pretty good feel for Linckia, I have less feedback on Fromia stars. So any info would be much appreciated! :D


Yes I believe that's the correct species (and you'd certainly know better than me so there's no way I'm going to second guess you). There's another pic below. He's been in my tank now for about 6 months, maybe a little more. He seems to have grown a little in that time. Yes, he's in my 55 gallon with about 110 lbs of live rock and about to be transferred to a 125 gallon with over 200 lbs of live rock! It just cruises the glass and rock and takes no interest in pretty much anything! These stars (I have two of them, and they're identical) seem to subsist on microscopic food sources that I have been unable to identify. Hopefully they thrive - I previously had another fromia star for over a year and it only died then because I wen on vacation and the filters failed while I was gone.


Active Member
Be sure to put me at the top of the list of frags if you ever decide to take some cuttings off the lemnalia (or whatever it is). I've searched the lfs's around and haven't seen anything like it.


I'd love to frag it for everyone but the cross border live coral thing doesn't seem to work for some reason. Anyone have any experience to the contrary or know of any US retailers that can/will ship to Canada? You guys have a much better selection of livestock than we can get. I think that customs will impound live goods crossing the border for days, obviously killing coral shipments.


Active Member
Yeah, I figured it'd be tough. I'm just going to keep my eyes out for it. I've found a couple places online but I can't bring myself to spend $100 for 2 frags and shipping.


Active Member
I bought the same coral and have had it for about 3 weeks
it is a fast growing one, it has grown roughly 25% of its size in this time and I use heavy doses of liquid life.
the LFS told me it was called a spiny tree.

did you figure out what it is
and does your not stand up at night- appeared so in the picture
where did you place yours, I placed mine in the sandbed


Active Member
looking at Sprungs quick reference guide there are only a few options
I think the best one is Lemnalia sp.
I think this even though the picture is bad, as thep fuzzies are not extended. But it looks like the same coral and mainly bc it is covered in brittle stars!
they seem to be attracted to the coral (although mine did not have any fun hitch hikers)
my only problem with this choice is that there does not appear to be any fuzzies on the body ( you know the little mouths that catch the food)
on mine they cover the entire little guy, where in sprungs book they appear to be only on branches
otherwise my next guess would be that it looks exactly like, except for the color, Dedronephthy (Roxasia) Sp
Third option is Neospongodes, although it appears to have the same issue as the first, there are no fuzzies on the body


Originally Posted by bergamer
I bought the same coral and have had it for about 3 weeks
it is a fast growing one, it has grown roughly 25% of its size in this time and I use heavy doses of liquid life.
I don't feed it in any particular way...
the LFS told me it was called a spiny tree.

figures they'd name it something that has no meaning!
did you figure out what it is not yet
and does your not stand up at night- appeared so in the picture it kind of retracts it's polyps and shrinks a bit at night but it didn't when I first brought it home...
where did you place yours, I placed mine in the sandbed
Well, mine was already attached to a rock from the LFS but, yeah I just stuck the rock in the sandbed.
I hope I answered everything!