think twice halide people


New Member
hey jond- i want to get an icecap hood but the thing i don't understand is that the 60" long ones only come 12.25" wide.
how is that supposed to fit on a tank 24" wide?
is it not intended to cover the whole top?
finally, if it doesn't cover the whole top, do you have to put it in the middle to get the whole tank well or is the front fine?


I agree its what you want to grow and need.I was stating halide users don't get abundance of alga and that pc doesn't put out more light watt for watt


The diffrence in the apperance of the tank with the MH is amazing. I do not have money to waste, but I will spend the extra for the MH. I live in AZ and all I use is fans to cool. My temp has not been over 81.9. Everyone knows how hot it is in AZ. For example 105 today. :mad:
Correct me if I am wrong but does'nt MH re-place the sun the best. We take these creators out of the ocean, should'nt we do the best for them. So we can have there beauty in our homes. :) My opinon only
Shel :rolleyes:


and I thought pc lights were the best?Man i am so mad now.I expend more than $300 on a PC
retrofit ligths. Where were you guys before i decided to get this lights.
Sell your PC's before you use them too much. I used mine less than 4 months and sold them for nearly what I paid for them, so I could get my new VHO Hood.
There are plenty of people who still want PC's, and many applications on which they are more than adequate.
BTW, I am getting plenty of shimmer with my vho's. I have vigorous surface agitation. And the color and florescence can not be beat.


preferance is everything pc works ,if your corals grow thats good. But pc hoods cost way to much for what you get. My 120g I've had 4-110w vho with 2_250 w halides when the vho are on only it doesn't look bright at all. when just the halides are one its way brighter. But when both are one it astill isn't as bright as my buddies 400w. FWIW my corals grow faster cuz I have a better set up= cal reactor better husbandry, filtration ect.. Bottom line is it doesn't matter if you have all the top equipment if you don't know how to keep your water quality good. This is most important.


I think that is the idea. It is just made to hold what it comes with, and not cover your tank. I would suggest if you are going for good looks, get a nice canopy like I did and go with a retro kit. Then you just mount the lights right on the canopy. You will be able to fit up to 4 bulbs easily if you want to. Though I would have to lood again, but I think the 660 can only do 3 60" bulbs. Still better than two and you will spend less$$$.