thinkin about a blue ringed octopus for my nano


What a captivating thing to research. What a HORRIBLE thing to try to own!
I would go even furthur to suggest that if you know without doubt of a LFS trying to pass one off. REPORT IT!


Active Member
when i was deemed cool by my LFS and he told me that they were blue rings...i walked out. then posted and decided to report it to my local game warden....


I thought that I had seen it all when I saw a guy trying to bag coral cats with his bare hand at deathco.......:confused:



Originally posted by aarone
when i was deemed cool by my LFS and he told me that they were blue rings...i walked out. then posted and decided to report it to my local game warden....

I'd do the happy dance but that smilie seems defective...I'll try again, just for you:happy:


New Member
it can kill, the only time it is pretty is when it is going to kill you. Also i don't think anyone mentioned this is that if they "ink" which it will you have to do a big water change right away.
I know what you are thinking b/c i wanted to get it too. Don't. They can get out they will always hide and it will plot a plan to kill you and your dog.


I'll be the one to offer different advice. Get it and have pics made together, blue ring in hand. As long as your carefull and develope a trusting relationship she won't bite. Your good with women, right? You can then develop it into a primetime show and make money for a really big oct tank. This study could be reembursed by the govern. I'm tired of Steve Erwin running around chasing crocs, I'd rather watch death defying feats in the ocean.....

Originally posted by LeBoeuf
I'll be the one to offer different advice. Get it and have pics made together, blue ring in hand. As long as your carefull and develope a trusting relationship she won't bite. Your good with women, right? You can then develop it into a primetime show and make money for a really big oct tank. This study could be reembursed by the govern. I'm tired of Steve Erwin running around chasing crocs, I'd rather watch death defying feats in the ocean.....



Active Member
Originally posted by fshhub
I can remember one time watching a video, where (in a lab) fish were disappearing and there was no explanation at all.

unfortunately, as i mentioned I remeber one time seeing it and it was locally, at school. However, beign this wild and unusual there may be something on the net, I will look around and see if maybe someone has posted it doing its midnight hunt.


How sad, well then we should all own something endangered in a pond in our back yard, like a manatee. But its cute and would make a great pet right :mad: :nope:


New Member
I also agree that keeping a blue ring is very dangerous. But if you insist on keeping one go to This website is dedicated to care of octo's in home aquariums. The forum is filled with expert aquarist who have kept octopus(including blue rings), cuttlefish, and nautilus. Take advantage of their knowledge and experience with blue rings.
Good Luck.


Active Member
An LFS here buy me as one and it is very pretty all the time. They had three - sold two .... they do tell everyone they are extremely deadly.
Do not buy one if you have:
* Pets who can get into the tank
* Anyone who may reach into your tank or go near your tank while you are not around
* Any children who visit your tank
These buggers have been know to squeeze up the tube on HOB filters, bite pets who nose the lid off their tanks, and unseal "sealed" tanks.
If you do wish to keep them then I would recommend a strip of green artifical turf like stuff around the rim of your tank. This strip needs to be twice as long as the length of hte longest arm on the octopus. Many public aquariums use this stuff to keep larger octopi in display tanks.
Lastly - make a shee of what will need to be done in order to treat you if you do get bitten. Get it laminated and keep it near the tank. When you plan on doing any work make sure someone is in the room with you while you do the work .... not sure if it would be worht it - though they are very beautiful creatures and tend to attack only when frightened or excited ... still :nervous:


Active Member
Yes, wouldn't you love to get end up in jail for reckless endangerment if some child or adult visiting you stuck their hand into the tank? How about a nano with pygmy seahorses instead? Lesley


Active Member

Originally posted by waterfaller1
..what is the smallest tank,they can keep a dolphin in..........:mad:

i would say 1 million min.


I was interested in them and found a whole bunch of stuff by doing a search on yahoo. I haven't read all of this post but there was three or four places to buy them at. The price range was from 16.99 to 30 something. They are just so small it would be hard to keep them. They can fit through any crack that the beack will fit in. And I read somewhere that thier life span wasn't but around a year or so. But, there are a few different species to choose from so the life span would be different for each one I would think. Good luck and keep posting if you get one. Oh, and they don't ship very well and have to be drip acclimated.


New Member
I almost forgot to tell you BalaShark!!
The water that a blue ring comes in can be toxic even after the octo is removed. I have read that some scientist have felt the neuro-toxic effect of blue ring poision after putting their hands in the bucket of water that the octo had previously been in. So make sure that if you do get one do not let any of the water or octo for that matter come in contact with your skin!!!!!!!


New Member
Thanks mnreefman!!
I found the website because I have been thinking about getting an octo for a long time. I have all the equipment I just need to octo proof my tank and order an octo. If you do decide to get one check out