thinkin bout a reef

hi how is everyone. i am thinking about doing a 55 reef with some jaw fish and clowns,damsel and corals. i was wondering would it be ok to do a 3 1/2 - 4 inch lsb and 75lbs lr for filtration. i will have a bio wheel on there in the begining but after 2 months or so i'll get rid of it. does this sound good? i'll have a damsel just for some extra waste. think i should run a skimmer? thanks for your time. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


skimmers are suually a good thing to for reef tanks; especially smaller ones...a prizm or sea clone shoudl be good for the $$$; will be your choice of course or whom you decide to listen too...if you have $$$ upgrade to a better model/brand though...there are some peops who run skimmerless of course; usually those are experience reefers though


i would run a skimmer. Skimmers are wonderful things. You have forgoten the most important an expensive part of a reef tank. "The Lighting" how much do you want to spend on it?? WHat kind of corals are you considering. there are as many different types of lighting scemes as there are reef keepers. Myself i perfere a MH (metal Halide) with VHO (very high output) bulds for the actinics.
so what kind of corals are you thinking you might want to run? Softies or hard corals. they all have different needs.
i got the lighting sceme it is compact flourescent. but the lr and ls filtration is a good way to go as far as filtration is concered then? right now i am not realy worried about what type of corals but i am thinking about anemones, and bubble corals. thanks again for everyones time


hey make sure you go with a pretty deep sand bed if your going to get jawfish the deeper the better for these guys i'd say four inches would be a good minimum.. if you serious about jawfish go deep..and good luck with the tank..p.s. i'd use a skimmer..


I started a reef about 6 weeks ago and added a Seaclone skimmer about 1 week ago. either it's still "breacking in" or there is nothing to skim, it's just pushing water thru at this it point. oh well guess i needed to get it at some point. I would say yes you need one but not right away.


Active Member
Look into sea-life systems back pack skimmer.They are afforcable nd do a great job.
Also, I would reccommend you stay away from anemone. They are very delicate and do not do well in captivity. Especially on the hands of someone in-experianced with them. They require alot of light and there are many other factors to consider.
Also, what kind of lighting you planning on running and how much???