thinkin of buying a new fish?


I wrote an Email to an online lfs when I was going to buy some coral and they would not sell me any type of file fish as they said the fish would pick it to death..I really don't know anything about the other,good luck!


New Member
I would say neither... the bicolor goatfish reaches a foot long when fully-grown, so that would make it unsuitable for a 30-gallon tank. Which orange-spotted filefish were you considering, the one from genus Oxymonacanthus or genus Cantherhines? The first one rarely survives in captivity (although it's the only filefish I've ever seen in a store), and the second reaches 8 inches, which is still too big (IMO) for a 30-gallon tank.


New Member
The fish commonly called the orange spotted filefish is an obligate coral eater. It will not eat anything but sps polyps.
i have read and heard that the orange file only eat sps if coaught form the wild the one im looking at has been eating flake and brine at the lfs for about 2 months.and the file only get 4.7
I would never trust a file fish in my tanks. even if it is eating flake in the store, it may go crazy in your reef tank. it'll be remembering how good those polyps tasted when it was in the wild, and go back to its old ways. i say the file is a NO NO! As for the goat, i don't care much for them, so i never looked into how they behave. you'll have to find out on that one from someone else.