thinkin of gettin a yellow tang can u help me out?


Active Member
im lookin to get a pair of yellow tangs
in my tank now all i have is a long nose butterfly, and 2 damsels
im lookin to get 2 tangs and 2 clowns tomrro will this work out ok?


Most will tell you that 55 is not big enough for 1 tang let alone 2. My opinion is you could do a small yellow but not 2. Keep in mind he will get big soon and then your faced with up gradeing or taking him back. The clowns sound fine but I would not add 3 or 4 fish at once. There would be a heavy bio load adding all at once and your tank won't handle that rapid of a change. Just my opinion.


Active Member
ok i got a 125 gallon tank
i might take ur advace and only get 2 fish at a time
or wat about i buy 4 put 2 in at a certain, wait 2 hours and then throw in the other 2?


2 hours is no were near long enough for the tank to catch up. 2-3 weeks sounds alot better and you will not be adding the stress to yoour existing inhabitants. In my opinion its worth the wait. Why take the chance that when the Am starts to climb that you start to do damage to your other fish?


Active Member
ok cool i might first get the 2 clowns
i might wanna get a anenome r those hard to take care of???
my lfs has a clown that is inside of the anenome i might get the two so heel b more happy
can u tell me wat anenomes need? i think its a BTA by the way


I would not even attempt any type until the tank is at least 6 months old. The lighting you have is for fish only. You need MH or T-5s to support one. They are very sensitive to water qualitity and the smallest amount of Am will do it in. Murph on here is great with this subject maybe he will chime in but you need to wait on it.