thinkin of starting another saltwater tank


So I was thinkin of setting up a small saltwater tank at work. I was wondering if you use substrate, water, & liverock from an established my dt how much will that cut down on the cycling process? Thank you:)


so if i needed to set up a quick qt could i do the same? use the water out of my dt? if that's the case why do ppl leave qt's up all the time? maybe cause they get fish often enough?


Active Member
does your office keep the AC going over the weekend???I was going to do the same thing until I realized thats it gets Africa hot in my office over the weekend.


yeah...they keep it on or else it takes waaay too long to cool down on Monday morning...but good thinkin! I wouldn't have factored that in myself.


Active Member
I used RO/DI water in my 100g frag tank system and put live rock in it from my main tank (which holds the bacteria you want). 7 Days later I had sps frags in there and 10 days from initial set up had a sailfin tang in there. Everything has done great. THe big key is using live rock from your DT which has the bacteria needed to do the break down of ammonia and nitrites. The water doesn't make a difference as the bacteria aren't grouped up in the water column like they hold to live rock.