Thinking about a 30g frag tank!


I was looking online and found a site that sells aquariums of all sizes. I saw one that was 24"W x24"L x10"H.
It looks like it would be a fun frag tank and I could put my 130w PC fixture on it. I have my current 20g tall tank and dont like it very much, so i want to get new sand and LR but keep the filter, skimmer and the lights.
What do you think about the tank? any input is welcome


Active Member
Seems very cool! You got the right demensions for a frag tank, long and wide but not tall. Tell us if you get it!


I think 10" will be perfect, but the 24"x24" footprint might be hard to cover with just one PC light. You could maybe find a cheep retro MH kit and build a small canopy to house it, but it is up to you. Just my 2 cents. I would go for it.


i would say either 2 pc lights or get a pendant MH....most pendants will cover a 2x2 area


wow ur frag tank is as big as my tank
i cant w8 to see how this turns out and yeah i would go with MH


I would like to get MH but with the tank and new LR and LS I dont know if I will have the money for a new MH fixture. I might see if i can hang the PC fixture higher or at an angle to get more light. Hopefully the tank will generate some extra store credit to get a MH light with.

I dont know if this will be a total frag tank also. It might be the same as my main tank but with some more eggcrate and corals.
Oh and the site i want to buy from drives around the country with tanks so you dont have to ship, and their truck is coming here next month so i have until then to thik it over.


i just looked at the website again
correction it is 13" tall and only 20g
a little change there


Active Member
Originally Posted by joebob7
i just looked at the website again
correction it is 13" tall and only 20g
a little change there
Sounds like a 20L (long), which is great for a frag tank. If you can't afford MH, get T-5. I'm setting up the exact same setup for a frag tank and am getting a Current Sundial T-5 30" fixture. It will do just as good as a MH fixture for frags of SPS, LPS, and soft coral but costs half the price. Hope that helps.


Active Member
Originally Posted by joebob7
I would like to get MH but with the tank and new LR and LS I dont know if I will have the money for a new MH fixture.
Why LS? Most of the frag tanks I've seen and the one I've had, didn't have LS. Not really a reason for it. That could save you some money, going bare bottom. Also, all I ever had for LR was what I used to attatch my frags to.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cprdnick
Why LS? Most of the frag tanks I've seen and the one I've had, didn't have LS. Not really a reason for it. That could save you some money, going bare bottom. Also, all I ever had for LR was what I used to attatch my frags to.
Well, that is debatable. I'll have LS in mine to help with detritus, since I'm going to keep a fish in there. IMO, it'll help keep the tank more stable. I won't have more LR than I plan to use to attach frags to, though, mostly just live rubble....


Active Member
on the LS, I'm just saying you don't NEED it. why spend the money if you don't have to? I agree that it doesn't hurt to do it, in fact it IS beneficial, but you don't NEED it. Agreed?


yes that is true LS isnt needed in a tank
In fact in the real reefs most corals never touch sand in their lives. But Ipersonally think it is necessary to look good. No offense to people with bare bottom tanks though.