Thinking about a new fish...


Well everyone, I was wondering if I would be able to house a dwarf lion in my 65 gallon.Here is my stock list:
2 Clown
Scooter Blenny
Neon Goby
Orange spotted Goby
6 line wrasse that I have not seen in a bit.
If a dwarf lion is not compatible does anyone have any other suggestions of a cool looking fish.


Active Member
sounds like your tank is stocked pretty full as it is IMO. what are your trates at? what kind of skimmer?


Active Member
look into a fairy or flasher wrasse for a good swimming fish. some flashers are a bit shy tho.


Active Member
i dont really know enough about them to give you advice on that, except to be careful if you try it because they are poisonous. also, if you have ornamental inverts like shrimp they will be eaten.


Active Member
Originally Posted by brandi1215
Thanks I will do more research before I make my choice. Thanks

ALWAYS a good idea! If you want a dwarf lion; 'maybe ' get one; I'll leave their compatibility issue with your small fish to others, I've never kept them with fish as small as a neon goby.I suspect they may be lunch someday; remember to decide based on the max size of the fish; lions grow very quickly. If this is your 1st lion, be sure you're getting a true dwarf and not just a juvi of a bigger species. A fu manchu lion stays very small. Fuzzy dwarfs are great, really get to know their owners.; so are Dwarf Zebras; but ,IMO, the zebra can be much more difficult to acclimate.


After doing research I have concluded the a dwarf lion is not a good idea. I love my other fish too much to take a chance in having the lion enjoying a feast of my little guys. The negatives outweigh the positive in this matter. Oh well, will have to find another cool fish to add. Thanks for the info everyone