thinking about adding butterflys lionfish and or trigger


Active Member
I have a 125 gallon set for 2 years n im thinking about gettn a few butterflys and a lionfish or a nly concern is that i have a cleaner shrimp and anenome, will they nip or eat them?
right now in the tank i have a sailfin tangq. yellow tang, powder blue, blue hippo, 2 foxfaces, 3 clowns and a diamond goby


Active Member
IMO you are very overstocked, I agree, and most of the fish you want are likely not compatible with at least a lion or trigger. The lion is a threat to the shrimp, smaller fish...triggers are absolutely a threat to the shrimp. depending on the species it can also be a problem with the other fish. But water quality is also a consideration, esp with anemones.


Active Member
Shrimp and clowns dont stand a chance, the tangs will probably survive, but anything smaller than 3x the size of a lions fish mouth is a snack. They can open their mouths very very wide. The shrimp wont last a week, the clowns probably not much longer. I watch my dads lion eat his tank alive. He originally put it in there to remove some damsels that had gotten to aggressive and ended up starting completely over as the lion ate everything. Of course the damsels last.