thinking about changing my sump

keith gray

The top picture attached is my current wet/dry system. I am currently decreasing bioballs and adding live rock. My question is in Chamber 2 of the picture can I take out the filter pad and the rest of the bioballs and drop the live rock to the bottom with chaeto on top of the bioballs ?
Will enough water come from chamber 1 to make this work. Currently the filter pad sits on a ledge that has holes in the bottom and slowly drips to the bioballs and live rock.
Anyne think I can make the change from the top pic to the bottom ?
help ??????


Originally Posted by Keith Gray
Attachment 234388
i have the same type setup and was debating the same thing. or just making a new sump/fuge. If you were going to do something like that with the cheato your going to have to make sure you get a light for it. Other then that it should work i don't see a problem with it.

keith gray

I went home and did this last night. I already had a light on the cheato. I actually replaced the rest of the bioballs with live rock (I have been slowly changing them out for a few weeks). It ended up that I left the filter up top and just dropped all of the rock to the bottom. Ended up looking good.
Hope yours goes well too.