thinking about seahorses


i had them in the past in a 37 gal tank, so i have a little bit of experience with them, my question is, i have a 10 gal tank that im not doing anything with is it possible to have a couple of seahorses, and is it possible to put a few corals in there as well?
if it is possible do you have any suggestions on what kind ?
i hope i dont get yelled at for the small tank but it was just a thought of useing the tank for something.
thanks for any info ^^


Active Member
a 10 is too small. min for lrg horses is a 29 gl. they can get 6 to 8 inch long, so they need a deeper tank.
in a ten gal, I would do mini reef with clown gobies and neons.


i thought so, i had a 3 gal reef and i loved it so thats probably what ill do then thanks for the reply ^^


Well-Known Member
You could do dwarf horses in a 10 gallon tank! I have no experience with them, but a few members of this forum do, so you could ask around.....


Active Member
If you wouldn't mind waiting a bit, fucus would go in a 10 gallon. They aren't very available at the moment but I know someone is working on breeding them. Ocassionally they can be found, but the last batch a friend had all died (they were wildcaught.. or tank raised I believe)
The main concern I would have for a 10 gallon is the ability to keep the temps down.
I've done all major horses over the years... except dwarfs. I personally couldn't fit their feeding schedule into my life. I raised fry for a couple of years and that turned me off hatching brine for the rest of my life!! I also don't care for their short lifespan. A large horse can last up to about 5-6+ years.