Thinking about starting a nano


New Member
I need some help! It's going to be a month or so before I start and I'm liking the JBJ 24gal. So what are the ups and downs with the nanos? Do they have heat problems? Do they require more water changes due to the size? Are the pc lights good? I plan on about 40-50 lbs of LR and 3'' LS sub.Is that good or do I need more or less? I want to do about 3 or 4 fish and a ton of coral.What mods do I need to plan on for my filtration or is it fine the way it is? That's all I can think of for now.
Thanks for the help.


Active Member
Second of all, I have a 3 gal nano. I herd that the smaller the tank, the more hard it is to care for. For a 24 gallon, I would do maybe 2 clownfish and 1 fire fish and some corals of your choice. Do you know how to do cycling and is this your first saltwater tank ever?


Active Member
what kind of 3 or 4 fish? Might be a bit to much depending on what you do with ur filteration? Cant help you there since dont have a JBJ model but a ton of ppl have them here...
Id also get less than 40-50 lbs of LR
Have u ever had a salt water set up before? jw


New Member
About 6 years ago I had a 55 for about 4 months but we sold the house and I let it go.I didn't have any way to move it.I think I'll get a clown or 2 and a six line.I was told by my LFS the more LR the better.I also plan on some of it being in the filter to replace bio balls.Do I need to do water changes in the cycle or after it is over?
Thanks for the help


Active Member
I have the 24 jbj and I love it!! it's also on sale right now for 258.00 del. from the doc. GREAT DEAL!!! I left mine stock, checkout my thread. The pc lights get a bad rap here, i think they are good lights if you are doing softies. I also have frogspawn and hammer corals in there, a few people here said they would die b/c the light was not enough but they are living and growing!!! I would say go for it and at that price you can't go wrong...and that's with the stand