Thinking about Starting a Salt Water Tank



I'm so new at all of this it will probably be insulting to you guys. My husband wants a start a saltwater tank, but he's leaving the research all up to me. :D Where should I begin? We don't have a tank or any of the supplies - and I have NO IDEA which fish get along. I've been doing research on the internet, (and at a local pet store) but everything I've found has been over my head. I need the basics. :help:


New Member
well the last thing you need to be thinking about is fish lol
most places have starter kits that come with most of the stuff you need ie. tank stand filter test kit heater that kind of stuff
one of the biggest thing is live rosk and live sand a skimmer is also a very big part you need to look into how to cycle a tank and i think the best tank to start with is a 55gal but get the tank and get it running and cycled befor you think about fish


I was kinda kidding about the fish, but I appreciate the suggestions. The more I read (on this site particularly), the more intimidating this gets! I can tell it's important to study before jumping into this....thanks again!


Active Member
Just to give you an idea at some of the costs you are looking at... I have over $1000 spent on my 29 gallon tank that's been up for about 3 months. And most of that is live rock and equipment, not creatures. And I also didn't go the most expensive route.
Make sure to get plenty of reading done before you leap. The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Robert Fenner is a good beginner book.


Actually, I disagree, you should be thinking about fish, and what you want.....therefor enabling you to decide on what size tank you want. If you do a 55, you are limited to amount of fish and type of can't have tangs and other fish that get large. Tangs are beautiful, and if you are considering one....don't go 55, go 75 or larger. Size is important, and knowing what fish you want is important in the mix. I am held back by a 55 gallon tank.
You are not insulting anyone, that's what the site is here for:yes: AND, don't be intimidated...if I can do it......anyone can and you sound pretty smart...:yes: :yes:
Get a tank, that's where you start. Someone take it from here will ya????????
I refuse to give any more info....I'm not experienced enough, no no no no. lol


All great advise - thanks! This is all I've done all day today, and I feel like I have learned a lot. I don't know a lot about what kind of fish I ultimately want....but I know that I don't want any eels or jawfish - they freak me out! I like the bright fish - which is why we have been leaning towards the salt water tank versus the fresh water. I thought that I loved puffer fish until I read more about them today. I don't want anything that will eat or abuse my other "animals." Perhaps I will get over that in time??? Any preference between glass and acrylic tanks? :thinking:



Originally posted by Loopy
Actually, I disagree, you should be thinking about fish, and what you want

Loopy is right. :yes: They type of fish, inverts, corals, etc that you'd like to keep might change some of your decisions on tank size and equipment.
I'd recommend "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" (sp?) by Fenner. I'm about half way through it now and it would be a good starting point for someone with no experience keeping fish.


Have you checked out the stickeys at the top of each forum? They are a wonderful source of information, especially when you are just starting out.
I felt just like you when I first started researching SW about 2 months ago. I didn't think I would ever learn enough to even try, but now I'm cycling my new tank! Not to bash all LFS, there are a lot of good ones out there, but there are also a lot of them which give bad advise. So, don't just take their word for it, research it for yourself also.
And just remember, if you run into trouble there are a lot of people here who are more than willing to help you!
Welcome and Good Luck!


I sure appreciate everyone's help and advise. I researched all day yesterday and now just trying to find the right tank. Thanks again. I will be posting questions as they pop up. And then when I get really smart - I'll help everyone else !!!!!