Thinking about upgrading to MH on BC14


As some of you might know I have a 14 gallon biocube. Recently I have been finding myself wanting to upgrade to MH lighting. I was thinking about doing a 70w 14K for a nice crisp and blue tint. I want to try to avoid buying a new hood with a MH in it and was actually looking at the Current USA 70 watt Sunpod. The room that the tank is in runs around a pretty constant 64 so am hoping i wont have too big of heat issues. I know Dmartini and TX run these lights and I believe like them. Anyone have any suggestions or have used this lighting system before? What do you think? Thank you!


well........... I couldnt resist and ordered one!
After hearing good review after good review I decided I better do it now and all of a sudden had to get one. Hopefully I get it next week!!!!!!!!


Active Member
You're going to love it! It makes the corals look so beautiful. Don't worry about heat issues, I actually noticed a temp drop when I upgraded. I think it's because more air flows across the surface causing more evaporation. You'll notice the difference with the top off water. Before I upgraded I never needed to top off, but now I have to every day. =)


Active Member
hey let me know how the sunpod goes. i was thinking of doing that some day or putting together a small pendant from pfo and using their ballast to power a 150w mh bulb
keep us updated


Originally Posted by DeMartini
You're going to love it! It makes the corals look so beautiful. Don't worry about heat issues, I actually noticed a temp drop when I upgraded. I think it's because more air flows across the surface causing more evaporation. You'll notice the difference with the top off water. Before I upgraded I never needed to top off, but now I have to every day. =)
Thanks Lauren,
I LOVED the look of it on your tank and the quality of the item. Im thinking I will be very satasfied. Thanks for the heads up on the top off. My next upgrade is going to be an auto-top off system for the tank so it should really help out a lot. I did have a quick question. Yosaid on your thread you add a dKH and Calcium buffer. Do you find this neccasary or benifitial and have you ever had any issues with them? Of course with great lighting comes great new corals, a clam included and have never dosed calcium or anything so am kind of curious. Thank you!


Originally Posted by nietzsche
hey let me know how the sunpod goes. i was thinking of doing that some day or putting together a small pendant from pfo and using their ballast to power a 150w mh bulb
keep us updated
Will let you know.
Make sure to check out my thread on the nano forum as well. I usually update it with pics, pretty frequently.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MeleeRock
Thanks Lauren,
I LOVED the look of it on your tank and the quality of the item. Im thinking I will be very satasfied. Thanks for the heads up on the top off. My next upgrade is going to be an auto-top off system for the tank so it should really help out a lot. I did have a quick question. Yosaid on your thread you add a dKH and Calcium buffer. Do you find this neccasary or benifitial and have you ever had any issues with them? Of course with great lighting comes great new corals, a clam included and have never dosed calcium or anything so am kind of curious. Thank you!
If you plan on having a clam, you definitely need to keep your calcium up. They need a lot of calcium to grow. You will have to add the dKh because adding calcium lowers dKH.


Active Member
i decided to go the other way and get the 150w by pfo so i can temporarily house small clams or keep something like a crocea