Thinking of adding some fish, need YOUR help


How big do most tangs in the three genuses mentioned above get?
I will list the adult size of tangs from each of the genuses, not all have the same dispostion:
Convict (Acanthurus triostegus), 10"
Orangeshoulder Tang (Acanthurus olivaceous), 14"
Powder Blue Tang (Acanthurus leucosternon), 9"
Whitecheek Tang (Acanthurus nigricans), 8"
Blue Caribbean Tang (Acanthurus coeruleus), 9"
Clown Tang (Acanthurus lineatus), 15" (Mean as snakes per mojoreef)
Lieutenant Tang (Acanthurus tennenti), 10"
Lemon Tang (Acanthurus sp.), 10"
Lavender Tang (Acanthurus nigrofuscus), 8"
Paracanthurus (A sub species of Acanthurus)
Blue or Hippo Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus), 12"
Yellow Eyed Kole (Ctenochaetus strigosus), 7"
Bristletooth Tomini Tang (Ctenochaetus tominiensis), 7"
Chevron Tang (Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis), 11"
Sailfin (Zebrasoma veliferum), 15"
Black Longnose Tang (Zebrasoma rostratum), 10"
Yellow Hawaiian Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens), 8"
Purple Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum), 10"
Happy Reefing


i had a blue headeed wrase great fish really colorfull but ate all my hermit and got to agressive the indego hamlet is a really cool fish i saw one snorkleing in the keys but it wasnt indego