Thinking of downsizing


Right now I have a 29g (30x12x18). I have a perc, gramma, sixline, clown goby, and a yellow watchman.
I love the 20 long (30x12x12). I want to hear your guys' opinions if my fish would be okay with out the extra height.
For discussion purposes assume my filtration is adequate (which it is).
Thanks in advance.

small triggers

Active Member
all of your fish except the clown goby are swimmers, you would have to loose atleast one if you went to the 20g... My questions why would you want to? You are supposed to be UPsizing (the amaerican way it is)



Originally Posted by small triggers
all of your fish except the clown goby are swimmers, you would have to loose atleast one if you went to the 20g... My questions why would you want to? You are supposed to be UPsizing (the amaerican way it is)
The watchman hangs out on the bottom, so I only have three swimmers. But you guys are right, it would be too impractical.
Petsmart was just having a really good sale and I couldn't talk the wife into getting another
tank, so I thought downsizing. Oh well. Another time maybe.