Thinking of getting a 55 - 75 gal What do I need??



I am thinking about trying to convince my parents to let me put a 55 or 75 g tank in the living or dining room. (my tank is in my bdrm). I need some advice. First What size do you suggest 55 or 75?? I worry about the 75 being to much work for me.
Now, What do I need??? Can people be specific, I know I need the tank, and a hood/light, May do corals in future but not soon, so I am not going to get fancy lighting.
So what do I need to do this tank right?? I am not talking tons and tons of fancy expensive equipment, but what do I need, I dont know a thing except Filter, heater, powerhead. Please give me some help on what i need to purchase. My local FS isnt that great, they are hard to understand (no offense) and not very clear with what they are telling me.


Active Member
i have a standard 75 in my basement. this is my setup:
seaclone 100 protein skimmer (junk)
magnum 350 pro canister filter
tank flow:
aquaclear 70 powerhead
zoo-med 270 GPH
my lighting is T5 nova extreme fixture. i have a rena smartheater with 300w


Active Member
you will need
a heater
mechanical filter (simple sponge to remove stuff and carbon)
skimmer (very important get a good one)
220-300 watts of intense light (T5's are nice)
60lbs LS
60lbs rock
a powerhead or 2 for flow
and most of all: patience


the larger the setup, really, the easier it is to maintain. Water quality is more stable. I'd go bigger if I could afford it. A 75 would do nicely, although it may cost a bit more to set up.


Originally Posted by ci11337
you will need
a heater
mechanical filter (simple sponge to remove stuff and carbon)
skimmer (very important get a good one)
220-300 watts of intense light (T5's are nice)
60lbs LS
60lbs rock
a powerhead or 2 for flow
and most of all: patience
Thanks, Ok So Could someone recomend a kind of filter? Just one at walmart/***** for my size tank? Thanks


I have a 55 and use a combination skimmer/biobale filter. I got it on ----, and it works great. Regular hang-ons may be okay, depending on the type, and what you want to keep in your tank. You'd have to go waaaay over the recommended limit with those, though. Most people recommend canisters.


Active Member
To add to Jess's question, is there any 'livestock' advantage to the 75? I know you can have ~33% more fish, but are there fish that are recommended for a 75 but not a 55?
Yes, I saw the thread posted where a number of Tangs were listed at 75 gallons, but I know the TP have your persecuted if don't have a 6' tank.


New Member
Do you plan on getting a reef ready tank? That would depend on the equipment that you'll need.
I, personally, would go for the 75. The larger the tank, the easier it is to look after really. the water volume allows for a little more forgiveness.
I considered a 55 as my first tank, but for what I like to do, i didn't think it was deep enough (front to back). After you throw in rock walls, then load them with coral, i don't think it leaves much room for the little fishies.
75 is a good size, i started with a 75, wanted to move to a 110 with the same footprint, but ended up with a 90. Not to upgrade, but i needed a new tank anyway.
the 18" a 75 will give you front to back allows for more "wiggle room".
let us know what kind of tank your getting so you can get a better picture of the equipment you'll need.


New Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
You can get a really nice one from ***** for under $300 ($299). We just picked up one yesterday for our new 75.

imo that is the best one they have! They only had one at my local store and it was a beat up display, so i had to do the HD route. nice stand!


Thanks for all the great info. can I find all the equipment I need at *****?? I know this is bad lol, But i dont know the difference between a canister filter and the one i have in my smaller tank, How much does one usually cost for a 75g?? Thanks!
Do i really need a skimmer??? SO many people say yes and SO many people say no. Thanks


Active Member
IMO ***** is good for some things, but definitely not for most

You can find better deals online, join your local reef club and can get great deals for slightly used equipment. For example I'm getting a slightly used CoralifeSuper Skimmer 220 for under $100 instead of paying $200+ for it new. Search your area for LFS's and see what their pricing is. The more research you do on products the better off you will be in the long run. There are definitely better deals out there than what you get from the chain pet stores.


New Member
Originally Posted by jessed244
Do i really need a skimmer??? SO many people say yes and SO many people say no. Thanks
from what i understand:
no skimmer = more water changes
skimmer - nearly essential for reef tanks
i didn't question it and bought one for each tank.
the large pet store you mention will more than likely not have all the things that you will need. they don't carry much of what i have purchased. your better off finding a mom and pop fish store locally, or ordering it online.


New Member
also, just a note:
i haven't really ever had much luck with marine fish purchased from that large chain store.
i don't know what they go through, but goodness.
the last 5 times i went, twice there were no fish due to massive death for unexplained reasons(really, they wouldn't tell me), the other three times there were very large ich outbreaks.


Active Member
For fish you are better off either going with a trusted LFS that in time you see having healthy fish and tanks or from sites like where you get a 2 week guarantee on your fish. I personally like the guarantee :)


Yes I agree about the fish, I dont have any luck with fish from that particular store either, I LOVE the gaurentee, as NO stores here offer one.
I just never can seem to find the right equipment. Could anyone PM me a good online source for the equipment I would need.


Active Member
Best thing you can do is first decide on your budget, get a list of skimmers for example based on recommendations, then just Google them. We are not allowed to post links to competitiors site here and also not on PM.


Active Member
Also keep an eye out on the classifides on SWF or a craigslist in your area. Seems like people are breaking down tanks all the time. It might be more often now due to our nation's economic slow down, but one person's loss is another person's gain.