Thinking of getting a dwarf bi-color anglefish


My question is, are dwarf angles hard to care for? i have heard story's of them dieing on the 1st day. My tank is only about 4 months old but everything is fine. i have 2 clowns, 3 cromis. 1 alternative is the 6 line wrasse, but I've herd they can be bullies and kill other fish and shrimp. Am also thinking about getting a royal grimma. I'm planing on adding 2 fish wile I'm on vacation this week and need help picking them out, any suggestions, i like color. Feel free to leave me a list of fish you think would be suitable for my 55 gallon tank.


Is this a reef?
If you like color look into a flame angel....very pretty fish
OR...NOT AND....a coral beauty
OR....a lemonpeel angel
JUST KEEP IN MIND....they MAY...or MAYNOT....nip at corals


Active Member
I liked my pygmy angel, pretty blueish purple. I also like my royal gramma. you might look at a midas blenny. They are a very pretty yellow orange and would work in your tank.


thanks, i think i will go with one of those dwarfs angles (maby still the bi-color). Would one be ok for a beginner hobbyist like myself? i noticed there care level said moderate, i just don't want it to die on me because my tanks not mature enough.


MEHH, im just not gonna bother with a dwarf angle till my tanks atleased a year old. I think i might get a purple firefish =D


OK, I'm now thinking of getting a royal gramma and a pygmy angelfish, also really want a cleaner shrimp and some of those snails that clean the sand bed, this sounds like too much money though...
HMMMMMM Do you guys think the pygmy would survive in a tank that is only 4 or 5 months old, because if you guys honestly think it could die i don't want to wast my money on the shipping to get it hear and then haft to dig it out of the rocks. If i did get it i would make sure all the tank perimeters are good first.


Active Member
Personal choice for that tank would be a Fisheri angel! Fisheri's tend to be a bit expensive, around $50-$65, because they typically are collected from Hawaii. As US citizens collecting these fish, their wages are typically more then their Indo-Pacific counterparts, who literally make a couple pennies per fish. Or if a Fisheri is a little pricey, a Rusty angel would be a cool slightly more oddball angel.
The Bicolor is a great angel. It is one of the largest 'dwarf' angels out there, and IMO, a little more related to it's large angel cousins. Look at the overall shape, its fins, etc. As to a pygmy, aka cherub angel, in my experience, they tend to aggressive. Sort of an ankle-bitter dog syndrome, small and feisty. Mine beat up a Half-Black angel that was close to 3 times as long, and many times his body size.
To the time it takes for a tank to mature "enough" for an angel, it really depends on what you started with. If you added a ton of super premium live rock with tons of stuff all over it, your mature time is going to be much less then if you added almost nothing but completely dried and barren macro rocks, and dried sand. 7 months is a pretty good time. If you add 5 months now, this may bring me to another point. While I quarantine every fish, angels, of any size, are on my "absolutely must QT" list. Angels tend to be much like tangs, and if any fish are diseased, it's them. Dwarf angels also benefit from QT, as they learn that you are the "food god" and learn to eat prepared foods. After you setup and QT and put the angel thru the usually QT routine, you should be at about 7 months anyways!