Thinking of getting an anemone


I've had two clowns in my tank for a month and a half, and I have really been thinking of getting an anemone to host one, if not both of them. I have a Percula and a saddleback. The book I have says that the saddleback will do best with a Haddon's Anemone, which I see is for sale on this site. However, the Percula lists three anemones, but they're all in scientific names - can anyone translate these for me? Heteractis magnifica, H. Crispa, Stichodactyla merensii.
The other part of my question here is, will I need to get a better lighting system? I have been using the lights that came with the tank when I bought it, not sure if they're even anything special. BTW, my tank is 55 gallons, don't know if that will make much of a difference with the anemones.
I'm beginning to see why most people on this board consider this an addiction....;)


How is everything going? I have finally finished moving and setting up the tank. You have NO (normal output) lighting which is the entry lighting. Do a search on anemone and you will see several people advise against it. Clowns will host in a variety of other corals, hammers, mushrooms, etc. If I were you I would first try to figure out what you want in the tank in the long run, and then figure out how to get the lighting to accomplish this. Anywho hope everything is going well. How is that salt treating you? I will talk to you later.


Active Member
hmmm... and i've been thinking of getting a hammer head shark for my 20 gallon... lol, jp... Do a search on anenome, there are tons of information on why not to get them as a beginner. Have fun reading:D


Eep - and this is why we ask questions before doing anything lol.
Jeremy -
Salt is going well, glad to hear you got your new tank set up. Whenever you are ready for your fish, let me know. I have grown attached to the perc and the yellow tailed damsel, but the four striped terrorizes the tang quite a bit and stresses him out on occasion. Of course, if you'd like all four of the fish back, that's definetly cool by me, just let me know.
How is this semester going for you, btw? All my classes are cool, except for my math 105, which seems to be a totally online course taught by someone with an accent so thick that only he can understand it....
Anyhow, let me know what's up either through the message board or email. Catch you later man