Thinking of putting cheato macro in my Emperor 400.


I just made my macro/refugium order.
Should be getting cheato,gracilaria,mermaids fan,calerpa which i probably will sell.
Plus more goodies.
I have my 10g fuge and 125g wetdry on my 55g.
I want a nice looking setup so i don't want to use the chaeto in my 10g.
And can't use floating algea in there.
I am thinking i could put the chaetomorpha in the emp. 400 on my 30g with a mini light.
Just a valentini and 2 true percs 30g FOtank.
Would 9 watts be ok? Right on top of the emp.
Also would no extra media tray be ok.? Biowheels enough?
I would like to use the chaeto inside it definitely.
I rather just have the cheato in there.
It would be a pain to change the filter.
Would the cheato act like a mech filter and catch the debris and the pods will take care of the rest.
I would be willing to have both the mech filter and the cheato but would like more space for the macro.
What do you guys think?


I did that as a temporary measure, and the cheato is fine. Growing. I can't tell that it has made any difference to the tank, though, and I suspect there is not enough of it. soon it will be moved to a 20 gallon.