Third (and final) post on sailfin tang...DEAD


Ok, he didn't make it. Totally fine last night--even seemed to be looking better and not so skinny. Got up this morning to find him upside down--dead in the back of the tank.
I made my big purchase yesterday of a new RO unit getting ready to do my water change tonight. I am sooooo bummed. I thought he was doing better. Had discussions with everyone about what other veggies to feed him and I felt like he was going to make a complete recovery. Not sure what killed him, but obviously he had more going on with him than just the "skinnyness."
Could it have been an internal parasite? Never showed any signs of external parasites etc. I lost a yellow tang a few months back due to what I think was the same thing...slowly started losing weight with no other sigs of sickness.
I'll stop rambling--what a sad day :( :confused:


I definately would not rule out an internal parasite.Actually I am bit surprised that your last post turned into a debate on the nutrition of lettuce.After all,you posted in the disease forum.And it was never even brought up.Crazy.A sunken stomach is a first sign of parasites.But,sorry about your loss.


Thanks Goby. I think the reason it turned into a "lettuce discussion" is because we thought maybe he was losing weight due to not eating well. I wanted to be sure and "beef up" the amount of greens and be sure to put in the right kind--that's how it all got started.
I noticed him sinking in and looking "skinny" a few days back, but never really thought much of it.
Is there anyway to help an internal parasite? I know that usually by the time it is detected it's too late. I'm really sad :(


If you notice this in the future garlic soaked foods will kill worms and parisites in the fishes stomach. If I am wrong some one please correct me.


Is garlic good for internal parasites as well as external ones? I wasn't aware of that...I will certainly keep that in mind.


Garlic usually does the trick for all parasites.I've never used it,but lots of people have had success with it.There is I think 2 types of medication for them,but I'm not sure of the name.


Active Member
For those that are interested I noticed that Kent has a new product called Garlic Xtreme sold in 1 oz. bottles for about 10 bucks. It says that it will boost your fishes immune system to aid in combating parasites, fungal, and bacteria infections. I tend to like Kent products so it might be worth looking into for you garlic believers.