Third Day of Setup..HELP!!!


:help: This is the third day my tank has been setup, it is a 30 Gal. I just added the cured live rock today. This morning at around 9:30am, I tested the water and it had 1.024SG, at 80 degrees, tests OK, except PH read 9.0...
all this was before I added the live rock, ....I just tested the SG and PH at 7:30pm today after adding the live rock early this afternoon, and the SG read 1.028, which went up and the PH read 8.6...:confused:
Should I do a partial water change???is it the live rock I added today???should I give it time until tomorrow???.....nitrates, nitrites.....all that is 0.00.....but I'm sooooo worried......HELP :notsure:


Stop freaking out. your tank will cycle on it's own time. you'll go thru lot's of parameter changes over the next month or so. everything will be at zero then spike, then slowly deminish down to normal.
doing the water changes will only slow your cycle down so don't do it.


:happy: ....thanks......I'm soooo excited about the tank. So, I will not do water changes then, but it's alright if I top off, when water evaporation occurs, right?


Active Member
Stop freaking out.
dont worry i still remember that feeling everytime i look at my tank!! Best of luck to you. Todd